Reduction workflows#
Beam center finder#
Find the beam center of a SANS scattering pattern. |
Find the center-of-mass of the data counts. |
Cost function for determining how close the \(I(Q)\) curves are in all four quadrants. |
Compute the intensity as a function of Q inside 4 quadrants in Phi. |
Minimize the supplied cost function using Scipy's optimize.minimize. |
Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS elastic scattering. |
Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS monitor (no scattering). |
Solid angle computed from rectangular pixels with a 'width' and a 'height'. |
Approximation based on equations in [CalculateTransmission]( documentation: |
Compute the denominator term for the I(Q) normalization. |
Perform normalization of counts as a function of Q. |
Return a vector of 3 components, defining the magnitude and direction of the Earth's gravitational field. |
Mask a range on a data array. |