
ess.sans.i_of_q.to_I_of_Q(data, data_monitors, direct_monitors, direct_beam, wavelength_bins, q_bins, gravity=False, wavelength_mask=None, wavelength_bands=None, signal_over_monitor_threshold=0.1)#

Compute the scattering cross-section I(Q) for a SANS experimental run, performing binning in Q and a normalization based on monitor data and a direct beam function.

The main steps of the workflow are:

  • Generate a coordinate transformation graph from tof to Q, that also includes wavelength.

  • Convert the detector data to wavelength.

  • Compute the transmission fraction from the monitor data.

  • Compute the solid angles of the detector pixels.

  • Resample the direct beam function to the same wavelength binning as the monitors.

  • Combine solid angle, direct beam, transmission fraction and incident monitor counts to compute the denominator for the normalization.

  • Convert the detector data to momentum vector Q.

  • Convert the denominator to momentum vector Q.

  • Normalize the detector data.

  • data (DataArray) – The detector data. This can be both events or dense (histogrammed) data.

  • data_monitors (Dict[str, DataArray]) – The data arrays for the incident and transmission monitors for the measurement run (background noise removed and converted to wavelength).

  • direct_monitors (Dict[str, DataArray]) – The data arrays for the incident and transmission monitors for the direct run (background noise removed and converted to wavelength).

  • direct_beam (DataArray) – The direct beam function of the instrument (histogrammed, depends on wavelength).

  • wavelength_bins (Variable) – The binning in the wavelength dimension to be used.

  • q_bins (Union[int, Variable]) – The binning in the Q dimension to be used.

  • gravity (bool, default: False) – Include the effects of gravity when computing the scattering angle if True.

  • wavelength_mask (Optional[DataArray], default: None) – Mask to apply to the wavelength coordinate (to mask out artifacts from the instrument beamline). See common.mask_range() for more details.

  • wavelength_bands (Optional[Variable], default: None) – If defined, return the data as a set of bands in the wavelength dimension. This is useful for separating different wavelength ranges that contribute to different regions in Q space.

  • signal_over_monitor_threshold (float, default: 0.1) – The threshold for the ratio of detector counts to monitor counts above which an error is raised because it is not safe to drop the variances of the monitor.


DataArray – The intensity as a function of Q.