Scatter3d plot#
The scatter3d
plot creates a three-dimensional scatter plot of the data.
import plopp as pp
import scipp as sc
import numpy as np
Scatter plot using a positions vector#
The easiest way to generate a scatter plot is to use a coordinate of the data array that contains data of the vector3
We first generate some fake data, meant to represent clusters of points in a three-dimensional space.
nclusters = 100
npercluster = 1000
position = np.zeros((nclusters, npercluster, 3))
values = np.zeros((nclusters, npercluster))
for n in range(nclusters):
center = 500.0 * (np.random.random(3) - 0.5)
r = 20.0 * np.random.normal(size=[npercluster, 3])
position[n, :] = r + center
values[n, :] = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1) + n
da = sc.DataArray(
data=sc.array(dims=['row'], values=values.flatten(), unit='K'),
'position': sc.vectors(
dims=['row'], unit='m', values=position.reshape(nclusters * npercluster, 3)
scipp.DataArray (3.05 MB)
- row: 100000
- position(row)vector3m[-254.19850501 17.25011046 111.4732856 ], [-244.64067686 -34.31500281 105.17499688], ..., [ 157.9463904 -152.17151925 -167.69917058], [ 148.22231008 -197.84766741 -202.43787627]
array([[-254.19850501, 17.25011046, 111.4732856 ], [-244.64067686, -34.31500281, 105.17499688], [-263.3632532 , -1.58272215, 102.55887797], ..., [ 125.14408696, -169.87649834, -171.68486952], [ 157.9463904 , -152.17151925, -167.69917058], [ 148.22231008, -197.84766741, -202.43787627]], shape=(100000, 3))
- (row)float64K34.316, 41.650, ..., 129.624, 135.338
array([ 34.31607479, 41.6503339 , 40.49132137, ..., 126.47354015, 129.62406314, 135.33842588], shape=(100000,))
We then simply specify the name of the coordinate that contains the vector positions using the pos
pp.scatter3d(da, pos='position', color='black', size=2)
Scatter plot with colorbar#
To make a scatter plot with a colorbar mapping data values to colors, use cbar=True
pp.scatter3d(da, pos='position', cbar=True, size=2)
Scatter plot using individual coordinates#
It is also possible to create scatter plots using three individual coordinate names for the x, y, z dimensions:
time = np.linspace(0, 10, 50)
x = np.cos(time)
y = np.sin(time)
da = sc.DataArray(
data=sc.array(dims=['row'], values=time),
'x': sc.array(dims=['row'], unit='m', values=x),
'y': sc.array(dims=['row'], unit='m', values=y),
'time': sc.array(dims=['row'], unit='s', values=time),
pp.scatter3d(da, x='x', y='y', z='time', size=0.2, cbar=True)