API reference#


inspector(obj[, dim, operation, ...])

Inspector takes in a three-dimensional input and applies a reduction operation ('sum' by default) along one of the dimensions specified by dim.

mesh3d(vertices, faces[, vertexcolors, ...])

Create a 3D mesh plot.

plot(obj, *[, aspect, cbar, coords, ...])

Plot a Scipp object.

slicer(obj, *[, keep, autoscale, coords, ...])

Plot a multi-dimensional object by slicing one or more of the dimensions.

superplot(obj[, keep])

Plot a multi-dimensional object as a one-dimensional line, slicing all but one dimension.

scatter(obj, *[, x, y, size, figsize, norm, ...])

Make a two-dimensional scatter plot.

scatter3d(obj, *[, x, y, z, pos, figsize, ...])

Make a three-dimensional scatter plot.

xyplot(x, y, **kwargs)

Make a one-dimensional plot of one variable y as a function of another x.


core.Node(func, *parents, **kwparents)

A node that can have parent and children nodes, to create a graph.


A (typically graphical) representation of the data.


Create a Node from a callable.

core.show_graph(entry, **kwargs)

Display the connected nodes and views as a graph.


Create a node from a widget.


graphics.BoundingBox([xmin, xmax, ymin, ...])

A bounding box in 2D space.

graphics.Camera([position, look_at, near, far])

Camera configuration for three-dimensional plots.

graphics.ColorMapper([canvas, cbar, cmap, ...])

A class that handles conversion between data values and RGBA colors.

graphics.imagefigure(*nodes, **kwargs)

graphics.linefigure(*nodes[, vmin, vmax])

graphics.mesh3dfigure(*nodes, vertexcolors, ...)

graphics.scatterfigure(*nodes[, x, y, cbar])

graphics.scatter3dfigure(*nodes[, x, y, z, cbar])

graphics.tiled(nrows, ncols, **kwargs)

A tiled figure.

Widgets and tools#


Container widget that accepts a list of items.

widgets.Checkboxes(entries[, description, value])

Widget providing a list of checkboxes, along with a button to toggle them all.


Horizontal bar container.

widgets.RangeSliceWidget(da, dims)

Widgets containing a slider for each of the requested dimensions.

widgets.SliceWidget(da, dims)

Widgets containing a slider for each of the requested dimensions.


Vertical bar container.


Toggle RGB axes helper visibility tool


Create a button with a callback that is called when the button is clicked.


Tool for changing the position of the camera in a 3d scene.

widgets.tools.ColorTool(text, color)

Tool for saving lines and controlling their color.


Return home tool.


Toggle normalization scale tool.


Toggle horizontal axis scale tool.


Toggle vertical axis scale tool.

widgets.tools.MultiToggleTool(callback, options)

Create toggle buttons with a callback that is called when one of the buttons is toggled.


Toggle outline visibility tool

widgets.tools.PanZoomTool(callback[, value])

Tool to control the panning and zooming actions on a Matplotlib figure.


Save figure to png tool.

widgets.tools.ToggleTool(callback, **kwargs)

Create a toggle button with a callback that is called when the button is toggled.

widgets.drawing.DrawingTool(figure, ...[, value])

Interface between Plopp and Mpltoolbox.


Tool to add point markers onto a figure.

widgets.clip3d.Clip3dTool(limits, direction, ...)

A tool that provides a slider to extract a slab of points in a three-dimensional scatter plot, and add it to the scene as an opaque cut.


A widget to make clipping planes for spatial cutting (see Clip3dTool) to make spatial cuts in the X, Y, and Z directions on a three-dimensional scatter plot.
