
ess.sans.i_of_q.preprocess_monitor_data(monitor, wavelength_bins, non_background_range, uncertainties)[source]#

Prepare monitor data for computing the transmission fraction. The input data are first converted to wavelength (if needed). If a non_background_range is provided, it defines the region where data is considered not to be background, and regions outside are background. A mean background level will be computed from the background and will be subtracted from the non-background counts. Finally, if wavelength bins are provided, the data is rebinned to match the requested binning.


CleanMonitor[TypeVar(RunType, types.BackgroundRun (int), types.EmptyBeamRun (int), types.SampleRun (int), TransmissionRun[types.SampleRun (int)], TransmissionRun[types.BackgroundRun (int)]), TypeVar(MonitorType, types.Incident (int), types.Transmission (int))] – The input monitors converted to wavelength, cleaned of background counts, and rebinned to the requested wavelength binning.