Source code for ess.sans.i_of_q

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
import uuid

import scipp as sc
from ess.reduce.uncertainty import UncertaintyBroadcastMode, broadcast_uncertainties
from scipp.scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .common import mask_range
from .logging import get_logger
from .types import (

[docs] def preprocess_monitor_data( monitor: WavelengthMonitor[RunType, MonitorType], wavelength_bins: WavelengthBins, non_background_range: NonBackgroundWavelengthRange, uncertainties: UncertaintyBroadcastMode, ) -> CleanMonitor[RunType, MonitorType]: """ Prepare monitor data for computing the transmission fraction. The input data are first converted to wavelength (if needed). If a ``non_background_range`` is provided, it defines the region where data is considered not to be background, and regions outside are background. A mean background level will be computed from the background and will be subtracted from the non-background counts. Finally, if wavelength bins are provided, the data is rebinned to match the requested binning. Parameters ---------- monitor: The monitor to be pre-processed. wavelength_bins: The binning in wavelength to use for the rebinning. non_background_range: The range of wavelengths that defines the data which does not constitute background. Everything outside this range is treated as background counts. uncertainties: The mode for broadcasting uncertainties. See :py:class:`ess.reduce.uncertainty.UncertaintyBroadcastMode` for details. Returns ------- : The input monitors converted to wavelength, cleaned of background counts, and rebinned to the requested wavelength binning. """ background = None if non_background_range is not None: mask = sc.DataArray( data=sc.array(dims=[non_background_range.dim], values=[True]), coords={non_background_range.dim: non_background_range}, ) background = mask_range(monitor, mask=mask).mean() if monitor.bins is not None: monitor = monitor.hist(wavelength=wavelength_bins) else: monitor = monitor.rebin(wavelength=wavelength_bins) if background is not None: monitor -= broadcast_uncertainties( background, prototype=monitor, mode=uncertainties ) return CleanMonitor(monitor)
[docs] def resample_direct_beam( direct_beam: DirectBeam, wavelength_bins: WavelengthBins ) -> CleanDirectBeam: """ If the wavelength binning of the direct beam function does not match the requested ``wavelength_bins``, perform a 1d interpolation of the function onto the bins. Parameters ---------- direct_beam: The DataArray containing the direct beam function (it should have a dimension of wavelength). wavelength_bins: The binning in wavelength that the direct beam function should be resampled to. Returns ------- : The direct beam function resampled to the requested resolution. """ if direct_beam is None: return CleanDirectBeam(None) if sc.identical(direct_beam.coords['wavelength'], wavelength_bins): return direct_beam if direct_beam.variances is not None: logger = get_logger('sans') logger.warning( 'An interpolation is being performed on the direct_beam function. ' 'The variances in the direct_beam function will be dropped.' ) func = interp1d( sc.values(direct_beam), 'wavelength', fill_value="extrapolate", bounds_error=False, ) return CleanDirectBeam(func(wavelength_bins, midpoints=True))
[docs] def bin_in_q( data: CleanQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart], q_bins: QBins, dims_to_keep: DimsToKeep, ) -> CleanSummedQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]: """ Merges data from all pixels into a single I(Q) spectrum: * In the case of event data, events in all bins are concatenated * In the case of dense data, counts in all spectra are summed Parameters ---------- data: A DataArray containing the data that is to be converted to Q. q_bins: The binning in Q to be used. dims_to_keep: Dimensions that should not be reduced and thus still be present in the final I(Q) result (this is typically the layer dimension). Returns ------- : The input data converted to Q and then summed over all detector pixels. """ out = _bin_in_q(data=data, edges={'Q': q_bins}, dims_to_keep=dims_to_keep) return CleanSummedQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart](out)
[docs] def bin_in_qxy( data: CleanQxy[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart], qx_bins: QxBins, qy_bins: QyBins, dims_to_keep: DimsToKeep, ) -> CleanSummedQxy[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]: """ Merges data from all pixels into a single I(Q) spectrum: * In the case of event data, events in all bins are concatenated * In the case of dense data, counts in all spectra are summed Parameters ---------- data: A DataArray containing the data that is to be converted to Q. qx_bins: The binning in Qx to be used. qy_bins: The binning in Qy to be used. dims_to_keep: Dimensions that should not be reduced and thus still be present in the final I(Q) result (this is typically the layer dimension). Returns ------- : The input data converted to Qx and Qy and then summed over all detector pixels. """ # We make Qx the inner dim, such that plots naturally show Qx on the x-axis. out = _bin_in_q( data=data, edges={'Qy': qy_bins, 'Qx': qx_bins}, dims_to_keep=dims_to_keep, ) return CleanSummedQxy[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart](out)
def _bin_in_q( data: sc.DataArray, edges: dict[str, sc.Variable], dims_to_keep: tuple[str, ...] ) -> sc.DataArray: dims_to_reduce = set(data.dims) - {'wavelength'} if dims_to_keep is not None: dims_to_reduce -= set(dims_to_keep) if data.bins is not None: q_all_pixels = data.bins.concat(dims_to_reduce) # q_all_pixels may just have a single bin now, which currently yields # inferior performance when binning (no/bad multi-threading?). # We operate on the content buffer for better multi-threaded performance. if q_all_pixels.ndim == 0: content = q_all_pixels.bins.constituents['data'] out = content.bin(**edges).assign_coords(q_all_pixels.coords) else: out = q_all_pixels.bin(**edges) else: # We want to flatten data to make histogramming cheaper (avoiding allocation of # large output before summing). We strip unnecessary content since it makes # flattening more expensive. stripped = data.copy(deep=False) for name, coord in data.coords.items(): if ( name not in {'Q', 'Qx', 'Qy', 'wavelength'} and set(coord.dims) & dims_to_reduce ): del stripped.coords[name] to_flatten = [dim for dim in data.dims if dim in dims_to_reduce] # Make dims to flatten contiguous, keep wavelength as the last dim data_dims = list(stripped.dims) for dim in [*to_flatten, 'wavelength']: data_dims.remove(dim) data_dims.append(dim) stripped = stripped.transpose(data_dims) # Flatten to helper dim such that `hist` will turn this into the new Q dim(s). # For sc.hist this has to be named 'Q'. helper_dim = 'Q' flat = stripped.flatten(dims=to_flatten, to=helper_dim) if len(edges) == 1: out = flat.hist(**edges) else: # sc.hist (or the underlying sc.bin) cannot deal with extra data dims, # work around by flattening and regrouping. for dim in flat.dims: if dim == helper_dim: continue if dim not in flat.coords: flat.coords[dim] = sc.arange(dim, flat.sizes[dim]) out = ( flat.flatten(to=str(uuid.uuid4())) .group(*[flat.coords[dim] for dim in flat.dims if dim != helper_dim]) .drop_coords(dims_to_keep or ()) .hist(**edges) ) return out.squeeze() def _subtract_background( sample: sc.DataArray, background: sc.DataArray, return_events: ReturnEvents, ) -> sc.DataArray: if return_events and sample.bins is not None and background.bins is not None: return sample.bins.concatenate(-background) if sample.bins is not None: sample = sample.bins.sum() if background.bins is not None: background = background.bins.sum() return sample - background
[docs] def subtract_background( sample: IofQ[SampleRun], background: IofQ[BackgroundRun], return_events: ReturnEvents, ) -> BackgroundSubtractedIofQ: return BackgroundSubtractedIofQ( _subtract_background( sample=sample, background=background, return_events=return_events ) )
[docs] def subtract_background_xy( sample: IofQxy[SampleRun], background: IofQxy[BackgroundRun], return_events: ReturnEvents, ) -> BackgroundSubtractedIofQxy: return BackgroundSubtractedIofQxy( _subtract_background( sample=sample, background=background, return_events=return_events ) )
providers = ( preprocess_monitor_data, resample_direct_beam, bin_in_q, bin_in_qxy, subtract_background, subtract_background_xy, )