
Build scientific pipelines for your data

Why Sciline?#

Writing, testing, and maintaining complex data analysis workflows is hard. Boiler-plate code may hide the actual analysis, making it hard to understand. The code may be hard to test, leading to bugs.

Systems like Snakemake can help with this, by using a set of rules declaring their inputs and outputs. A rule might run, e.g., a Python script. Snakemake then automatically assembles a task graph, and runs the tasks in the correct order to compute the desired outputs. But how do you write the Python script? It in itself can be thought of as a workflow. It may have a significant number of inputs and outputs, and may be complex with many internal computation steps. If intermediate results are large, splitting the rule into multiple rules may be prohibitive due to the overhead of repeatedly writing to and reading from disk.

Regardless of whether you are using Snakemake, another workflow management system, or are just writing Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks, Sciline can help you.

Sciline takes a declarative approach, inspired by dependency injection frameworks. By relying on Python’s type-hinting, a domain-specific language is used to describe the workflow. This enforces a clear expression of intent, aiding readability and enabling automatic assembly of a task graph that can compute desired outputs.

The task graphs Sciline assembles can then be executed, e.g., using Dask.


Does Sciline depend on Dask?#

No. Sciline is a Python library with minimal dependencies and does not depend on Dask. However, it is designed to work well with Dask, and we currently recommend using Dask to execute the task graphs Sciline assembles.

Is Sciline an alternative to Snakemake?#

Sciline is not intended to replace Snakemake or similar systems. We see Snakemake as a complementary tool that operates on a higher level. While Snakemake’s rules describe transformations of files, Sciline used Python functions to describe transformations of Python objects such as NumPy arrays or Pandas dataframes.

But I do not want to change all my code!#

Sciline is very non-invasive. If you are willing to define a few types (or type aliases) and add type annotations to your functions — which is considered good practice anyway — you can use it with Sciline with just a few extra lines of code. Your existing Python code can remain generic and can still be used without Sciline.

At a glance#



pip install sciline


conda install -c conda-forge -c scipp sciline


from typing import NewType
import sciline

# 1. Define domain types

Filename = NewType('Filename', str)
RawData = NewType('RawData', dict)
CleanedData = NewType('CleanedData', list)
ScaleFactor = NewType('ScaleFactor', float)
Result = NewType('Result', float)

# 2. Define providers

def load(filename: Filename) -> RawData:
    """Load the data from the filename."""
    return {'data': [1, 2, float('nan'), 3], 'meta': {'filename': filename}}

def clean(raw_data: RawData) -> CleanedData:
    """Clean the data, removing NaNs."""
    import math

    return [x for x in raw_data['data'] if not math.isnan(x)]

def process(data: CleanedData, param: ScaleFactor) -> Result:
    """Process the data, multiplying the sum by the scale factor."""
    return sum(data) * param

# 3. Create pipeline

providers = [load, clean, process]
params = {Filename: 'data.txt', ScaleFactor: 2.0}
pipeline = sciline.Pipeline(providers, params=params)


Continue reading#

Continue reading about Sciline on the Getting Started page of the User Guide. It provides more context and explanation for the above example. The User Guide also contains a description of more advanced features such as Parameter Tables and Generic Providers.

At first it may feel unclear how to apply Sciline to your own code and workflows, given only the above documentation. Consider the following concrete examples of how we use Sciline in our own projects:

As Sciline is still a young project, we are still in the process of uncovering best practices, but we hope the above can at least provide some ideas.