

Qxy(Q, phi)

Compute the Qx and Qy components of the scattering vector from the scattering angle, wavelength, and phi angle.

compute_Q(data, graph)

Convert a data array from wavelength to Q.

compute_Qxy(data, graph)

Convert a data array from wavelength to Qx and Qy.

cyl_unit_vectors(incident_beam, gravity)

cylindrical_x(cyl_x_unit_vector, scattered_beam)

Compute the horizontal x coordinate perpendicular to the incident beam direction.

cylindrical_y(cyl_y_unit_vector, scattered_beam)

Compute the vertical y coordinate perpendicular to the incident beam direction.

detector_to_wavelength(detector, graph)

mask_wavelength(da, mask)

monitor_to_wavelength(monitor, graph)

phi_no_gravity(cylindrical_x, cylindrical_y)

Compute the cylindrical phi angle around the incident beam.


Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS elastic scattering.


Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS monitor (no scattering).