This modules defines the domain types uses in esssans.
The domain types are used to define parameters and to request results from a Sciline pipeline.
Module Attributes
Numerator of IofQ |
Denominator of IofQ |
TypeVar used for specifying Numerator or Denominator of IofQ |
Name of the entry where the pixel shape is stored in the NeXus file |
Name of the entry where the transformation computed from the transformation chain is stored, for the detectors and the monitors |
Whether to return events in the output I(Q) |
Wavelength binning |
Wavelength bands. |
Processed wavelength bands, as a two-dimensional variable, with the first dimension being the band index and the second dimension being the wavelength. |
Q binning used when computing IofQ |
Qx binning used when computing IofQxy |
Qy binning used when computing IofQxy |
Range of wavelengths that are not considered background in the monitor |
Filename of direct beam correction |
Beam center, may be set directly or computed using beam-center finder |
Optional wavelength mask |
Whether to correct for gravity when computing wavelength and Q. |
Dimensions that should not be reduced and thus still be present in the final I(Q) result (this is typically the layer dimension). |
Filename of the output |
1-D variable listing all detector IDs. |
1-D variable listing all masked detector IDs. |
Masks for detector pixels |
Direct beam |
Direct beam after resampling to required wavelength bins, else and array of ones. |
I(Q) with background (given by I(Q) of the background run) subtracted |
I(Qx, Qy) with background (given by I(Qx, Qy) of the background run) subtracted |
Monitor data cleaned of background counts |
Result of converting |
Result of converting |
Result of histogramming/binning |
Result of histogramming/binning |
Prerequisite for IofQ numerator or denominator. |
Geometry of the detector from description in nexus file. |
I(Q) |
I(Qx, Qy) |
Raw data with pixel-specific masks applied |
Same as |
Monitor-dependent factor of the Normalization term (numerator) for IofQ. |
Result of reducing |
Result of reducing |
Solid angle of detector pixels seen from sample position |
Data with a time-of-flight coordinate |
Monitor data with a time-of-flight coordinate |
Transmission fraction |
Monitor data converted to wavelength |
Result of applying wavelength scaling/masking to |
Result of applying wavelength scaling/masking to |