This module provides functionality for unwrapping raw frames of neutron time-of-flight data.
The module handles standard unwrapping, unwrapping in pulse-skipping mode, and unwrapping for WFM instruments, as well as combinations of the latter two. The functions defined here are meant to be used as providers for a Sciline pipeline. See on how to use Sciline.
Module Attributes
Choppers used to define the frame parameters. |
Frames of the chopper cascade. |
Result of passing the source pulse through the chopper cascade to the detector. |
The period of a frame, a (small) integer multiple of the source period. |
Time of arrival of the neutron at the detector, unwrapped at the pulse period. |
Time of the start of the frame at the detector. |
Time of arrival of the neutron at the detector, unwrapped at the pulse period, minus the start time of the frame. |
Time of arrival of the neutron at the detector minus the start time of the frame, modulo the frame period. |
Tof coordinate computed by the workflow. |
Total distance between the source and the detector(s). |
Period of the source pulses, i.e., time between consecutive pulse starts. |
Stride of used pulses. |
When pulse-skipping, the offset of the first pulse in the stride. |
Raw detector data loaded from a NeXus file, e.g., NXdetector containing NXevent_data. |
Time range of the source pulse, used for computing frame bounds. |
Wavelength range of the source pulse, used for computing frame bounds. |
Detector data with time-of-flight coordinate. |
Detector data with time-of-flight coordinate, re-histogrammed. |
Return the frames of the chopper cascade. |
Return the frame at the detector. |
Compute the start time of the frame at the detector. |
Return the period of a frame, which is defined by the pulse period times the pulse stride. |
Histogrammed data that has been converted to tof will typically have unsorted bin edges (due to either wrapping of time_of_flight or wavelength overlap between subframes). |
Compute the slope and intercept of a linear relationship between time-of-arrival and tof, which can be used to create lookup tables which can give the time-of-flight from the time-of-arrival. |
Compute the time of arrival of the neutron at the detector, unwrapped at the pulse period, minus the start time of the frame, modulo the frame period. |
Add the time-of-flight coordinate to the data. |
Compute the time-of-flight from the time-of-arrival. |
Compute the unwrapped time of arrival of the neutron at the detector. |
Compute the time of arrival of the neutron at the detector, unwrapped at the pulse period, minus the start time of the frame. |