
ScippNeutron builds on top of Scipp and provides features specific to handling and reducing data generated in neutron scattering facilities. A key example is “unit conversion”, e.g., from time-of-flight to energy transfer in an inelastic neutron scattering experiment at a spallation-based neutron source.


ScippNeutron is an open source project by the European Spallation Source ERIC (ESS). Other major contributions were provided by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).


ScippNeutron is available as open source under the BSD-3 license.

Citing ScippNeutron#

Please cite the following:


To cite a specific version of ScippNeutron, select the desired version on Zenodo to get the corresponding DOI.

Older versions of the documentation#

Older versions of the documentation pages can be found under the assets of each release. Simply download the archive, unzip and view locally in a web browser.

Source code and development#

ScippNeutron is hosted and developed on GitHub.