class, cbar=True, cmap='viridis', mask_cmap='gray', norm='linear', vmin=None, vmax=None, nan_color=None, figsize=None)[source]#

A class that handles conversion between data values and RGBA colors. It controls the normalization (linear or log), as well as the min and max limits for the color range.

  • cax – The axes to use for the colorbar. If none are supplied, the ColorMapper will create its own axes.

  • cbar (bool, default: True) – Create a colorbar if True. If False, no colorbar is made even if cax is defined.

  • cmap (str, default: 'viridis') – The name of the colormap for the data (see In addition to the Matplotlib docs, if the name is just a single html color, a colormap with that single color will be used.

  • mask_cmap (str, default: 'gray') – The name of the colormap for masked data.

  • norm (Literal['linear', 'log'], default: 'linear') – The colorscale normalization.

  • vmin (Union[Variable, float, None], default: None) – The minimum value for the colorscale range. If a number (without a unit) is supplied, it is assumed that the unit is the same as the data unit.

  • vmax (Union[Variable, float, None], default: None) – The maximum value for the colorscale range. If a number (without a unit) is supplied, it is assumed that the unit is the same as the data unit.

  • nan_color (Optional[str], default: None) – The color used for representing NAN values.

  • figsize (Optional[tuple[float, float]], default: None) – The size of the figure next to which the colorbar will be displayed.

__init__(canvas=None, cbar=True, cmap='viridis', mask_cmap='gray', norm='linear', vmin=None, vmax=None, nan_color=None, figsize=None)[source]#


__init__([canvas, cbar, cmap, mask_cmap, ...])


Re-compute the global min and max range of values by iterating over all the artists and adjust the limits.


Return rgba values given a data array.


Convert the colorbar into a widget for use with other ipywidgets.


Toggle the norm flag, between linear and log.


Update the colors of all artists, if the self.set_colors_on_update attribute is set to True.



Get or set the unit of the colorbar.


Get or set the label of the colorbar axis.