Source code for plopp.backends.plotly.line

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (

import uuid
from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import scipp as sc
from plotly.colors import qualitative as plotly_colors

from import BoundingBox
from ..common import check_ndim, make_line_bbox, make_line_data
from .canvas import Canvas

def _parse_dicts_in_kwargs(kwargs, name):
    out = {}
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            if name in value:
                out[key] = value[name]
            out[key] = value
    return out

[docs] class Line: """ Artist to represent one-dimensional data. If the coordinate is bin centers, the line is (by default) a set of markers. If the coordinate is bin edges, the line is a step function. Parameters ---------- canvas: The canvas that will display the line. data: The initial data to create the line from. uid: The unique identifier of the artist. If None, a random UUID is generated. artist_number: The canvas keeps track of how many lines have been added to it. This number is used to set the color and marker parameters of the line. errorbars: Show errorbars if ``True``. mask_color: The color to be used to represent the masks. mode: The mode of the line, either 'markers' or 'lines'. marker: The marker style to use. """
[docs] def __init__( self, canvas: Canvas, data: sc.DataArray, uid: str | None = None, artist_number: int = 0, errorbars: bool = True, mask_color: str = 'black', mode: str = 'markers', marker: str | None = None, **kwargs, ): check_ndim(data, ndim=1, origin='Line') self.uid = uid if uid is not None else uuid.uuid4().hex self._fig = canvas.fig self._data = data line_args = _parse_dicts_in_kwargs(kwargs, self._line = None self._mask = None self._error = None self._unit = None self.label = self._dim = self._data.dim self._unit = self._data.unit self._coord = self._data.coords[self._dim] line_data = make_line_data(data=self._data, dim=self._dim) default_colors = plotly_colors.Plotly default_line_style = { 'color': default_colors[artist_number % len(default_colors)] } default_marker_style = { 'symbol': artist_number % 53 } # Plotly has 52 marker styles line_shape = None if line_data["hist"]: line_shape = 'vh' mode = 'lines' marker_style = default_marker_style if marker is None else marker line_style = {**default_line_style, **line_args} self._line = go.Scatter( x=np.asarray(line_data['values']['x']), y=np.asarray(line_data['values']['y']), name=self.label, mode=mode, marker=marker_style, line_shape=line_shape, line=line_style, ) if errorbars and (line_data['stddevs'] is not None): self._error = go.Scatter( x=np.asarray(line_data['stddevs']['x']), y=np.asarray(line_data['stddevs']['y']), line=line_style, name=self.label, mode='markers', marker={'opacity': 0}, error_y={'type': 'data', 'array': line_data['stddevs']['e']}, showlegend=False, ) marker_line_style = {'width': 3, 'color': mask_color} if 'line' in marker_style: marker_style['line'].update(marker_line_style) else: marker_style['line'] = marker_line_style if 'width' in line_style: line_style['width'] *= 5 else: line_style['width'] = 5 if line_data["hist"]: line_style['color'] = mask_color self._mask = go.Scatter( x=np.asarray(line_data['mask']['x']), y=np.asarray(line_data['mask']['y']), name=self.label, mode=mode, marker=marker_style, line_shape=line_shape, line=line_style, visible=line_data['mask']['visible'], showlegend=False, ) # Below, we need to re-define the line because it seems that the Scatter trace # that ends up in the figure is a copy of the one above. # Plotly has no concept of zorder, so we need to add the traces in a specific # order if line_data["hist"]: self._fig.add_trace(self._mask) self._mask =[-1] self._fig.add_trace(self._line) self._line =[-1] if self._error is not None: self._fig.add_trace(self._error) self._error =[-1] else: self._fig.add_trace(self._line) self._line =[-1] if self._error is not None: self._fig.add_trace(self._error) self._error =[-1] self._fig.add_trace(self._mask) self._mask =[-1] self._line._plopp_id = self.uid self.line_mask = sc.array(dims=['x'], values=~np.isnan(line_data['mask']['y'])) self._mask._plopp_id = self.uid if self._error is not None: self._error._plopp_id = self.uid
def update(self, new_values: sc.DataArray): """ Update the x and y positions of the data points from new data. Parameters ---------- new_values: New data to update the line values, masks, errorbars from. """ check_ndim(new_values, ndim=1, origin='Line') self._data = new_values line_data = make_line_data(data=self._data, dim=self._dim) self.line_mask = sc.array(dims=['x'], values=~np.isnan(line_data['mask']['y'])) with self._fig.batch_update(): self._line.update( {'x': line_data['values']['x'], 'y': line_data['values']['y']} ) if (self._error is not None) and (line_data['stddevs'] is not None): self._error.update( { 'x': line_data['stddevs']['x'], 'y': line_data['stddevs']['y'], 'error_y': {'array': line_data['stddevs']['e']}, } ) if line_data['mask']['visible']: update = {'x': line_data['mask']['x'], 'y': line_data['mask']['y']} self._mask.update(update) self._mask.visible = True else: self._mask.visible = False def remove(self): """ Remove the line, masks and errorbar artists from the canvas. """ = [ trace for trace in list( if trace._plopp_id != self.uid ] @property def color(self): """ The line color. """ return self._line.line.color @color.setter def color(self, val): self._line.line.color = val def bbox( self, xscale: Literal['linear', 'log'], yscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] ) -> BoundingBox: """ The bounding box of the line. This includes the x and y bounds of the line and optionally the error bars. Parameters ---------- xscale: The scale of the x-axis. yscale: The scale of the y-axis. """ out = make_line_bbox( data=self._data, dim=self._dim, errorbars=self._error is not None, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, ) if xscale == 'log': out.xmin = np.log10(out.xmin) out.xmax = np.log10(out.xmax) if yscale == 'log': out.ymin = np.log10(out.ymin) out.ymax = np.log10(out.ymax) return out