What’s new in Scipp#

This page highlights feature additions and discusses major changes from recent releases. For a full list of changes see the Release Notes.

import numpy as np
import scipp as sc


String formatting#

New in 0.15

Added support for compact formatting of 0-D variables.


var = sc.scalar(12.5, variance=4.0, unit='mm')
<scipp.Variable> ()    float64             [mm]  [12.5]  [4]
12(2) mm

Implicit conversion to boolean#

New in 0.15

Added support for implicit conversion of 0-D variables to bool.


if sc.scalar(1, unit='m') < sc.scalar(2, unit='m'):

var = sc.array(values=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dims=['x'], unit='m')
if sc.any(var == sc.scalar(3, unit='m')):

Keyword-argument syntax for rename_dims#

New in 0.15

Added support for keyword arguments in rename_dims to define dimensions, as also supported by rename.


var = sc.ones(dims=['x', 'y'], shape=(4, 3))
var.rename_dims(x='xnew', y='ynew')
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (352 Bytes)
    • (xnew: 4, ynew: 3)
      1.0, 1.0, ..., 1.0, 1.0
      array([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]])


Support for unit=None#

New in 0.12

Previously Scipp used unit=sc.units.dimensionless (or the alias unit=sc.units.one) for anything that does not have a unit, such as strings, booleans, or bins. To allow for distinction of actual physically dimensionless quantities from these cases, Scipp now supports variables and, by extension, data arrays that have their unit set to None.

This change is accompanied by a number of related changes:

  • Creation function use a default unit if not given explicitly. The default for numbers (floating point or integer) is sc.units.dimensionless. The default for everything else, including bool is None.

  • Comparison operations, which return variables with dtype=bool, have unit=None.

  • A new function index was added, to allow for creation of 0-D variable with unit=None. This complements scalar, which uses the default unit (depending on the dtype).


print(sc.array(dims=['x'], values=[1.1, 2.2, 3.3]))
print(sc.array(dims=['x'], values=[1, 2, 3]))
print(sc.array(dims=['x'], values=[False, True, False]))
print(sc.array(dims=['x'], values=['a', 'b', 'c']))
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)    float64  [dimensionless]  [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)      int64  [dimensionless]  [1, 2, 3]
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)       bool        <no unit>  [False, True, False]
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)     string        <no unit>  ["a", "b", "c"]
a = sc.array(dims=['x'], values=[1, 2, 3])
b = sc.array(dims=['x'], values=[1, 3, 3])
print(a == b)
print(a < b)
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)       bool        <no unit>  [True, False, True]
<scipp.Variable> (x: 3)       bool        <no unit>  [False, True, False]
(a == b).unit is None

For some purposes we may use a coordinate with unique integer-valued identifiers. Since the identifiers to not have a physical meaning, we use unit=None. Note that this has to be given explicitly since otherwise integers are treated as numbers, i.e., the unit would be dimensionless:

da = sc.DataArray(
    a, coords={'id': sc.array(dims=['x'], unit=None, values=[34, 21, 14])}
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.05 KB)
    • x: 3
    • id
      34, 21, 14
      array([34, 21, 14])
    • (x)
      1, 2, 3
      array([1, 2, 3])

The index function can now be used to conveniently lookup data by its identifier:

da['id', sc.index(21)]
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.02 KB out of 1.05 KB)
    • ()
    • id

Reduced effect of rounding errors when converting units#

New in 0.14

sc.to_unit (and therefore also the to() method) now avoid rounding errors when converting from a large unit to a small unit, if the conversion factor is integral.


sc.scalar(1.0, unit='m').to(unit='nm')
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (264 Bytes)
    • ()

Support for unit aliases#

New in 0.17

Added support to customize string formatting for specific units and support user defined units. See the Unit Aliases documentation for details.

Checking if coordinates are bin-edges#

New in 0.13

The coords property (and also the attrs, meta, and masks properties) now provide the is_edges method to check if an entry is a bin-edge coordinate.


import scipp as sc

x = sc.arange('x', 3)
da = sc.DataArray(x, coords={'x1': x, 'x2': sc.arange('x', 4)})
print(f"{da.coords.is_edges('x1') = }")
print(f"{da.coords.is_edges('x2') = }")
da.coords.is_edges('x1') = False
da.coords.is_edges('x2') = True

Coordinate transformations#

New in 0.15

Several improvements for transform_coords:

  • Support a keyword-syntax for defining single-step transformations.

  • Now works with lookup (see below).

  • Now works with callables other than functions, such as the output of partial (not with keyword arguments) or instances of classes defining __call__.


da = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=10)
da.transform_coords(xy=lambda x, y: x * y)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (2.14 KB)
    • row: 10
    • xy
      0.431, 0.232, ..., 0.166, 0.229
      array([0.43073058, 0.23187028, 0.79733511, 0.22603884, 0.21535264, 0.07792538, 0.17788141, 0.0709546 , 0.16588544, 0.22948474])
    • z
      0.060, 0.684, ..., 0.003, 0.251
      array([0.06013866, 0.68368891, 0.67123802, 0.61101798, 0.06013731, 0.97776927, 0.43895163, 0.53259502, 0.00313229, 0.25126711])
    • (row)
      1.086, 1.043, ..., 1.009, 1.047
      array([1.08584904, 1.04252984, 1.0735819 , 1.09220432, 1.01534742, 1.09922592, 1.01823318, 1.09401129, 1.00868831, 1.04682107])
    • x
      0.977, 0.380, ..., 0.964, 0.264
      array([0.97669977, 0.38019574, 0.92324623, 0.26169242, 0.31909706, 0.11809123, 0.24176629, 0.31853393, 0.96407925, 0.2636498 ])
    • y
      0.441, 0.610, ..., 0.172, 0.870
      array([0.44100612, 0.60987081, 0.8636213 , 0.86375767, 0.67488131, 0.65987435, 0.7357577 , 0.22275366, 0.17206618, 0.87041497])
from functools import partial

def linear(a, b, x):
    return a * x + b

func = partial(linear, 0.5, sc.scalar(10.0, unit='m'))
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (2.15 KB)
    • row: 10
    • fx
      10.488, 10.190, ..., 10.482, 10.132
      array([10.48834988, 10.19009787, 10.46162312, 10.13084621, 10.15954853, 10.05904562, 10.12088315, 10.15926696, 10.48203962, 10.1318249 ])
    • y
      0.441, 0.610, ..., 0.172, 0.870
      array([0.44100612, 0.60987081, 0.8636213 , 0.86375767, 0.67488131, 0.65987435, 0.7357577 , 0.22275366, 0.17206618, 0.87041497])
    • z
      0.060, 0.684, ..., 0.003, 0.251
      array([0.06013866, 0.68368891, 0.67123802, 0.61101798, 0.06013731, 0.97776927, 0.43895163, 0.53259502, 0.00313229, 0.25126711])
    • (row)
      1.086, 1.043, ..., 1.009, 1.047
      array([1.08584904, 1.04252984, 1.0735819 , 1.09220432, 1.01534742, 1.09922592, 1.01823318, 1.09401129, 1.00868831, 1.04682107])
    • x
      0.977, 0.380, ..., 0.964, 0.264
      array([0.97669977, 0.38019574, 0.92324623, 0.26169242, 0.31909706, 0.11809123, 0.24176629, 0.31853393, 0.96407925, 0.2636498 ])


Creation functions#

New in 0.16

arange now supports creation from datetime strings, provided that an explicit dtype='datetime64' is given.


step = sc.scalar(10, unit='s')
sc.arange('time', '2022-01-11T10:24:00', '2022-01-11T10:25:00', step=step, dtype='datetime64')
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (304 Bytes)
    • (time: 6)
      2022-01-11T10:24:00, 2022-01-11T10:24:10, ..., 2022-01-11T10:24:40, 2022-01-11T10:24:50
      array(['2022-01-11T10:24:00', '2022-01-11T10:24:10', '2022-01-11T10:24:20', '2022-01-11T10:24:30', '2022-01-11T10:24:40', '2022-01-11T10:24:50'], dtype='datetime64[s]')

New in 0.11

Creation functions for datetimes where added:

  • Added epoch, datetime and datetimes.

sc.datetime('now', unit='ms')
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (264 Bytes)
    • ()
      array('2022-11-28T05:31:35.000', dtype='datetime64[ms]')
times = sc.datetimes(
    dims=['time'], values=['2022-01-11T10:24:03', '2022-01-11T10:24:03']
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (272 Bytes)
    • (time: 2)
      2022-01-11T10:24:03, 2022-01-11T10:24:03
      array(['2022-01-11T10:24:03', '2022-01-11T10:24:03'], dtype='datetime64[s]')

The new epoch function is useful for obtaining the time since epoch, i.e., a time difference (dtype='int64') instead of a time point (dtype='datetime64'):

times - sc.epoch(unit=times.unit)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (272 Bytes)
    • (time: 2)
      1641896643, 1641896643
      array([1641896643, 1641896643])

New in 0.12

zeros_like, ones_like, empty_like, and full_like can now be used with data arrays.


x = sc.linspace('x', 0.0, 1.0, num=5)
da = sc.DataArray(sc.ones(dims=['x', 'y'], shape=[4, 6], unit='K'), coords={'x': x})
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.23 KB)
    • x: 4
    • y: 6
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
      array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])
    • (x, y)
      0.0, 0.0, ..., 0.0, 0.0
      array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]])

Utility methods and functions#

New in 0.12

  • Added squeeze method to remove length-1 dimensions from objects.

  • Added rename method to rename dimensions and associated dimension-coordinates (or attributes). This complements rename_dims, which only changes dimension labels but does not rename coordinates.

  • Added midpoints to compute bin-centers.


x = sc.linspace('x', 0.0, 1.0, num=5)
da = sc.DataArray(sc.ones(dims=['x', 'y'], shape=[4, 6], unit='K'), coords={'x': x})

A length-1 x-dimension…

da['x', 0:1]
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.06 KB out of 1.23 KB)
    • x: 1
    • y: 6
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.0, 0.25
      array([0. , 0.25])
    • (x, y)
      1.0, 1.0, ..., 1.0, 1.0
      array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])

… can be removed with squeeze:

da['x', 0:1].squeeze()
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.06 KB out of 1.23 KB)
    • y: 6
    • (y)
      1.0, 1.0, ..., 1.0, 1.0
      array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])
    • x
      0.0, 0.25
      array([0. , 0.25])

squeeze returns a new object and leaves the original unchanged.

Renaming is most convenient using keyword arguments:

Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.23 KB)
    • xnew: 4
    • y: 6
    • xnew
      (xnew [bin-edge])
      0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0
      array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])
    • (xnew, y)
      1.0, 1.0, ..., 1.0, 1.0
      array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])

rename returns a new object and leaves the original unchanged.

midpoints can be used to replace a bin-edge coordinate by bin centers:

da.coords['x'] = sc.midpoints(da.coords['x'])
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.22 KB)
    • x: 4
    • y: 6
    • x
      0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 0.875
      array([0.125, 0.375, 0.625, 0.875])
    • (x, y)
      1.0, 1.0, ..., 1.0, 1.0
      array([[1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]])

Binning and histogramming operations#

Reworked API for better user experience#

New in 0.15

Simpler interface for binning and histogramming operations:

  • sc.bin moved to sc.binning.make_binned.

    • Most users should use sc.bin or sc.group (see below for new interface).

  • sc.histogram moved to sc.binning.make_histogrammed.

    • Most users should use sc.hist (see below for new interface).

  • bin, group, hist, and rebin are now available as methods (in addition to free functions).

  • bin and hist can be provided with one of:

    • Bin count.

    • Bin size.

    • Bin edges.

Examples, given a table:

table = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=100)
table.coords['label'] = (table.coords['x'] * 10).to(dtype='int32')
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (5.27 KB)
    • row: 100
    • label
      9, 3, ..., 9, 0
      array([9, 3, 9, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 8, 6, 6, 7, 2, 1, 8, 0, 6, 6, 6, 0, 9, 4, 5, 0, 2, 8, 4, 7, 9, 1, 9, 1, 9, 0, 4, 8, 2, 8, 9, 8, 4, 3, 4, 0, 2, 5, 7, 4, 3, 9, 7, 4, 4, 7, 8, 2, 7, 8, 8, 0, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 9, 0, 2, 2, 3, 0, 3, 1, 8, 6, 0, 2, 6, 1, 9, 1, 7, 4, 3, 2, 8, 3, 0, 0, 4, 8, 3, 8, 9, 0], dtype=int32)
    • x
      0.977, 0.380, ..., 0.947, 0.067
      array([0.97669977, 0.38019574, 0.92324623, 0.26169242, 0.31909706, 0.11809123, 0.24176629, 0.31853393, 0.96407925, 0.2636498 , 0.44100612, 0.60987081, 0.8636213 , 0.86375767, 0.67488131, 0.65987435, 0.7357577 , 0.22275366, 0.17206618, 0.87041497, 0.06013866, 0.68368891, 0.67123802, 0.61101798, 0.06013731, 0.97776927, 0.43895163, 0.53259502, 0.00313229, 0.25126711, 0.85849044, 0.42529835, 0.73581899, 0.92204322, 0.15347417, 0.99225923, 0.18233178, 0.9401129 , 0.08688306, 0.46821072, 0.8289892 , 0.28105226, 0.86909151, 0.97641657, 0.84171366, 0.4488736 , 0.37050843, 0.48266944, 0.09218155, 0.22668311, 0.53656624, 0.73323165, 0.44891079, 0.30550077, 0.9473596 , 0.75103384, 0.47204846, 0.45727588, 0.7463378 , 0.85539988, 0.29350156, 0.7333145 , 0.8088307 , 0.88708697, 0.02483321, 0.51254945, 0.61278568, 0.28034895, 0.45213173, 0.53122109, 0.98863456, 0.00597817, 0.20128829, 0.2568758 , 0.34074484, 0.05300196, 0.3264945 , 0.19835821, 0.82921491, 0.63712163, 0.08544074, 0.22016044, 0.68117601, 0.13441009, 0.95651369, 0.13652398, 0.79770214, 0.49829352, 0.30470773, 0.23420605, 0.89300817, 0.3775365 , 0.07634545, 0.03380685, 0.46161332, 0.87382396, 0.35060949, 0.82352055, 0.94719907, 0.06704071])
    • y
      0.298, 0.619, ..., 0.942, 0.266
      array([0.29784009, 0.61916102, 0.30175743, 0.17484645, 0.4955052 , 0.7605704 , 0.68726158, 0.24815478, 0.62204659, 0.31565569, 0.27721642, 0.92986521, 0.27959527, 0.94883502, 0.20201735, 0.56547841, 0.38030313, 0.80810673, 0.12755367, 0.95133955, 0.72882736, 0.175545 , 0.69275909, 0.09283302, 0.55640157, 0.10249413, 0.04369324, 0.39269051, 0.69105406, 0.72697743, 0.6690316 , 0.59155473, 0.87900055, 0.53765765, 0.0978224 , 0.14129582, 0.96228009, 0.7981039 , 0.00675377, 0.94581154, 0.65542259, 0.91068457, 0.15258466, 0.58863232, 0.5037656 , 0.17380898, 0.0628503 , 0.66454833, 0.03190526, 0.2381556 , 0.51542965, 0.60235782, 0.28295953, 0.84313 , 0.89470557, 0.72319123, 0.92654142, 0.05899723, 0.05014746, 0.12388012, 0.12208044, 0.53115015, 0.91313804, 0.18246727, 0.99149871, 0.87990489, 0.32295563, 0.19131571, 0.49686643, 0.31440532, 0.03030466, 0.09262352, 0.58902035, 0.63403838, 0.96634448, 0.01487968, 0.73315998, 0.63286286, 0.50168492, 0.12093655, 0.85794039, 0.70241087, 0.56861403, 0.98109921, 0.0903527 , 0.72707977, 0.4886337 , 0.28049914, 0.88533027, 0.80772818, 0.43944917, 0.64164812, 0.63103906, 0.00843672, 0.22165835, 0.21689278, 0.22026903, 0.74113721, 0.94155401, 0.2664373 ])
    • z
      0.747, 0.002, ..., 0.314, 0.264
      array([7.47273308e-01, 2.07107674e-03, 8.09356321e-01, 8.06808892e-01, 5.45326666e-02, 9.89362828e-02, 5.53226569e-01, 7.62910553e-01, 7.30931237e-01, 6.82471044e-01, 7.62591309e-01, 5.99412526e-01, 2.35477373e-01, 2.80612918e-02, 9.11675838e-01, 4.14080600e-01, 7.23464080e-01, 2.65950874e-01, 9.80369577e-01, 1.78090002e-01, 4.69184186e-02, 4.94115808e-01, 3.70529117e-01, 6.55574256e-01, 4.61285877e-05, 1.43014725e-01, 8.58975880e-01, 6.82809970e-01, 3.32033306e-01, 2.48161990e-02, 4.22029167e-02, 3.89582513e-01, 9.43011313e-01, 9.18612070e-01, 3.14726967e-01, 3.72220959e-01, 2.66749743e-01, 1.41873954e-01, 5.91518522e-01, 4.63079614e-01, 8.35330328e-01, 4.95433949e-01, 1.77145233e-02, 4.37894709e-01, 1.34038413e-01, 3.32400970e-01, 5.01302700e-01, 5.43368711e-01, 6.94848901e-01, 9.64195746e-01, 3.74901627e-01, 7.55347800e-01, 5.28479739e-01, 8.64631462e-01, 5.60848997e-01, 3.82137452e-01, 4.99961889e-01, 5.29737869e-01, 9.85621960e-01, 6.12813748e-02, 4.48468954e-02, 1.94324791e-01, 3.90880357e-03, 1.05811175e-01, 3.94437734e-01, 2.04830871e-01, 4.81965369e-01, 8.45400145e-01, 6.38468218e-01, 7.67432200e-01, 8.30547857e-01, 1.26939493e-01, 4.42671816e-02, 4.48197124e-01, 4.66555556e-01, 9.60267487e-01, 2.57805778e-01, 4.44110753e-01, 5.59008379e-01, 8.49988825e-01, 1.25328933e-01, 9.28501378e-01, 5.79709037e-01, 4.62533411e-01, 4.43393736e-01, 4.98910467e-02, 2.75026095e-01, 6.19929186e-01, 9.19012177e-01, 9.20682467e-01, 2.56063563e-01, 5.36146329e-01, 3.05924148e-01, 3.67851697e-01, 3.51097154e-01, 4.32807732e-01, 3.26208986e-03, 4.54868778e-01, 3.13958993e-01, 2.63649599e-01])
    • (row)
      1.057, 1.049, ..., 1.039, 1.053
      array([1.0572413 , 1.04910187, 1.07196889, 1.04637864, 1.08511135, 1.07883327, 1.05410473, 1.09462853, 1.0646386 , 1.04214041, 1.02263323, 1.01624572, 1.03547522, 1.02456488, 1.04678623, 1.07764753, 1.00386747, 1.07820403, 1.01681343, 1.0588846 , 1.00044092, 1.08331491, 1.07175395, 1.01784325, 1.09188934, 1.03525373, 1.06123806, 1.02162412, 1.04985638, 1.06833087, 1.01977245, 1.03260294, 1.04336006, 1.05551015, 1.02912231, 1.04728736, 1.01041479, 1.04379077, 1.00211797, 1.01790313, 1.09130702, 1.02068456, 1.03641199, 1.0181115 , 1.05851357, 1.05882001, 1.0892991 , 1.07328981, 1.09436318, 1.01947839, 1.02410795, 1.08659535, 1.08700923, 1.01338181, 1.03628868, 1.00136035, 1.02336109, 1.03458256, 1.03085164, 1.01212304, 1.09532596, 1.03578161, 1.04725279, 1.06947597, 1.0815284 , 1.08894865, 1.05875947, 1.08840914, 1.05540028, 1.07955569, 1.02423292, 1.07494723, 1.02590595, 1.05768937, 1.09356846, 1.06142638, 1.0070585 , 1.08930236, 1.05196076, 1.00841121, 1.03741442, 1.07327263, 1.00929804, 1.06677877, 1.09963128, 1.01891984, 1.06376295, 1.09236163, 1.08124864, 1.02353567, 1.06599126, 1.08741107, 1.06795978, 1.01730203, 1.08231962, 1.08423843, 1.08752373, 1.01219293, 1.0387933 , 1.05254691])

Bin into 10 x and y bins:

table.bin(x=10, y=10)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (8.37 KB)
    • x: 10
    • y: 10
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.102, ..., 0.893, 0.992
      array([0.00313229, 0.10204498, 0.20095768, 0.29987037, 0.39878306, 0.49769576, 0.59660845, 0.69552115, 0.79443384, 0.89334654, 0.99225923])
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.007, 0.105, ..., 0.893, 0.991
      array([0.00675377, 0.10522827, 0.20370276, 0.30217725, 0.40065175, 0.49912624, 0.59760074, 0.69607523, 0.79454972, 0.89302422, 0.99149871])
    • (x, y)
      binned data [len=5, len=0, ..., len=1, len=2]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:5, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [0, 0, ..., 0, 0] x float64 [m] (row) [0.0868831, 0.0921815, ..., 0.053002, 0.0338069] y float64 [m] (row) [0.00675377, 0.0319053, ..., 0.0148797, 0.00843672] z float64 [m] (row) [0.591519, 0.694849, ..., 0.960267, 0.367852] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.00212, 1.09436, ..., 1.06143, 1.0173] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [] x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:1, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [9] x float64 [m] (row) [0.940113] y float64 [m] (row) [0.798104] z float64 [m] (row) [0.141874] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.04379] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:2, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [9, 9] x float64 [m] (row) [0.94736, 0.947199] y float64 [m] (row) [0.894706, 0.941554] z float64 [m] (row) [0.560849, 0.313959] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.03629, 1.03879] ]

Bin based on bin size:

table.bin(x=1 * sc.Unit('mm'))
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (29.60 KB)
    • x: 990
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.004, ..., 0.992, 0.993
      array([0.00313229, 0.00413229, 0.00513229, 0.00613229, 0.00713229, 0.00813229, 0.00913229, 0.01013229, 0.01113229, 0.01213229, 0.01313229, 0.01413229, 0.01513229, 0.01613229, 0.01713229, 0.01813229, 0.01913229, 0.02013229, 0.02113229, 0.02213229, 0.02313229, 0.02413229, 0.02513229, 0.02613229, 0.02713229, 0.02813229, 0.02913229, 0.03013229, 0.03113229, 0.03213229, 0.03313229, 0.03413229, 0.03513229, 0.03613229, 0.03713229, 0.03813229, 0.03913229, 0.04013229, 0.04113229, 0.04213229, 0.04313229, 0.04413229, 0.04513229, 0.04613229, 0.04713229, 0.04813229, 0.04913229, 0.05013229, 0.05113229, 0.05213229, 0.05313229, 0.05413229, 0.05513229, 0.05613229, 0.05713229, 0.05813229, 0.05913229, 0.06013229, 0.06113229, 0.06213229, 0.06313229, 0.06413229, 0.06513229, 0.06613229, 0.06713229, 0.06813229, 0.06913229, 0.07013229, 0.07113229, 0.07213229, 0.07313229, 0.07413229, 0.07513229, 0.07613229, 0.07713229, 0.07813229, 0.07913229, 0.08013229, 0.08113229, 0.08213229, 0.08313229, 0.08413229, 0.08513229, 0.08613229, 0.08713229, 0.08813229, 0.08913229, 0.09013229, 0.09113229, 0.09213229, 0.09313229, 0.09413229, 0.09513229, 0.09613229, 0.09713229, 0.09813229, 0.09913229, 0.10013229, 0.10113229, 0.10213229, 0.10313229, 0.10413229, 0.10513229, 0.10613229, 0.10713229, 0.10813229, 0.10913229, 0.11013229, 0.11113229, 0.11213229, 0.11313229, 0.11413229, 0.11513229, 0.11613229, 0.11713229, 0.11813229, 0.11913229, 0.12013229, 0.12113229, 0.12213229, 0.12313229, 0.12413229, 0.12513229, 0.12613229, 0.12713229, 0.12813229, 0.12913229, 0.13013229, 0.13113229, 0.13213229, 0.13313229, 0.13413229, 0.13513229, 0.13613229, 0.13713229, 0.13813229, 0.13913229, 0.14013229, 0.14113229, 0.14213229, 0.14313229, 0.14413229, 0.14513229, 0.14613229, 0.14713229, 0.14813229, 0.14913229, 0.15013229, 0.15113229, 0.15213229, 0.15313229, 0.15413229, 0.15513229, 0.15613229, 0.15713229, 0.15813229, 0.15913229, 0.16013229, 0.16113229, 0.16213229, 0.16313229, 0.16413229, 0.16513229, 0.16613229, 0.16713229, 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0.91513229, 0.91613229, 0.91713229, 0.91813229, 0.91913229, 0.92013229, 0.92113229, 0.92213229, 0.92313229, 0.92413229, 0.92513229, 0.92613229, 0.92713229, 0.92813229, 0.92913229, 0.93013229, 0.93113229, 0.93213229, 0.93313229, 0.93413229, 0.93513229, 0.93613229, 0.93713229, 0.93813229, 0.93913229, 0.94013229, 0.94113229, 0.94213229, 0.94313229, 0.94413229, 0.94513229, 0.94613229, 0.94713229, 0.94813229, 0.94913229, 0.95013229, 0.95113229, 0.95213229, 0.95313229, 0.95413229, 0.95513229, 0.95613229, 0.95713229, 0.95813229, 0.95913229, 0.96013229, 0.96113229, 0.96213229, 0.96313229, 0.96413229, 0.96513229, 0.96613229, 0.96713229, 0.96813229, 0.96913229, 0.97013229, 0.97113229, 0.97213229, 0.97313229, 0.97413229, 0.97513229, 0.97613229, 0.97713229, 0.97813229, 0.97913229, 0.98013229, 0.98113229, 0.98213229, 0.98313229, 0.98413229, 0.98513229, 0.98613229, 0.98713229, 0.98813229, 0.98913229, 0.99013229, 0.99113229, 0.99213229, 0.99313229])
    • (x)
      binned data [len=1, len=0, ..., len=0, len=1]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:1, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [0] x float64 [m] (row) [0.00313229] y float64 [m] (row) [0.691054] z float64 [m] (row) [0.332033] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.04986] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [] x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [] x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:1, ] Coordinates: label int32 [m] (row) [9] x float64 [m] (row) [0.992259] y float64 [m] (row) [0.141296] z float64 [m] (row) [0.372221] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.04729] ]

Group by label and bin by y:

Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (9.33 KB)
    • label: 10
    • y: 20
    • label
      0, 1, ..., 8, 9
      array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], dtype=int32)
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.007, 0.056, ..., 0.942, 0.991
      array([0.00675377, 0.05599102, 0.10522827, 0.15446551, 0.20370276, 0.25294001, 0.30217725, 0.3514145 , 0.40065175, 0.44988899, 0.49912624, 0.54836349, 0.59760074, 0.64683798, 0.69607523, 0.74531248, 0.79454972, 0.84378697, 0.89302422, 0.94226146, 0.99149871])
    • (label, y)
      binned data [len=4, len=1, ..., len=2, len=0]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:4, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0868831, 0.0921815, 0.053002, 0.0338069] y float64 [m] (row) [0.00675377, 0.0319053, 0.0148797, 0.00843672] z float64 [m] (row) [0.591519, 0.694849, 0.960267, 0.367852] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.00212, 1.09436, 1.06143, 1.0173] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:1, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.00597817] y float64 [m] (row) [0.0926235] z float64 [m] (row) [0.126939] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.07495] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:2, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.94736, 0.947199] y float64 [m] (row) [0.894706, 0.941554] z float64 [m] (row) [0.560849, 0.313959] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.03629, 1.03879] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] ]

For more examples see the documentation of the functions.

Multi-dimensional histogramming#

New in 0.15

Added support for multi-dimensional histogramming with hist. This is partially based on bin, i.e., performance may be sub-optimal.


table.hist(x=10, y=20)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (3.06 KB)
    • x: 10
    • y: 20
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.102, ..., 0.893, 0.992
      array([0.00313229, 0.10204498, 0.20095768, 0.29987037, 0.39878306, 0.49769576, 0.59660845, 0.69552115, 0.79443384, 0.89334654, 0.99225923])
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.007, 0.056, ..., 0.942, 0.991
      array([0.00675377, 0.05599102, 0.10522827, 0.15446551, 0.20370276, 0.25294001, 0.30217725, 0.3514145 , 0.40065175, 0.44988899, 0.49912624, 0.54836349, 0.59760074, 0.64683798, 0.69607523, 0.74531248, 0.79454972, 0.84378697, 0.89302422, 0.94226146, 0.99149871])
    • (x, y)
      4.175, 1.075, ..., 2.075, 0.0
      array([[4.17520956, 1.07494723, 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.05254691, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.09188934, 1.06795978, 1.04985638, 1.00044092, 0. , 0. , 1.03741442, 0. , 1.0815284 ], [0. , 1.02912231, 1.01681343, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.08930236, 0. , 1.01891984, 1.07883327, 0. , 0. , 0. , 2.07719356], [0. , 0. , 1.09532596, 2.13478778, 1.01947839, 0. , 1.04214041, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.02590595, 1.05768937, 1.05410473, 2.1416035 , 0. , 2.10173969, 0. , 1.02068456, 0. ], [0. , 1.0892991 , 0. , 0. , 2.18215226, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.08511135, 0. , 0. , 2.13651294, 0. , 1.0070585 , 0. , 1.01338181, 1.08124864, 0. , 1.09356846], [1.06123806, 1.03458256, 0. , 1.05882001, 1.08231962, 2.10964246, 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.05540028, 0. , 1.03260294, 0. , 1.07328981, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.02336109, 1.01790313], [0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.09236163, 1.07955569, 1.02162412, 0. , 0. , 1.02410795, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.08894865, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 1.01784325, 1.00841121, 2.13010114, 0. , 0. , 1.05875947, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 2.08694556, 0. , 1.07175395, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.01624572, 0. ], [1.03085164, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.00386747, 0. , 0. , 1.03578161, 0. , 1.08659535, 0. , 1.00136035, 0. , 0. , 1.04336006, 0. , 0. ], [0. , 0. , 2.04853503, 1.06947597, 1.08423843, 1.03547522, 0. , 0. , 1.06599126, 1.06376295, 2.11047433, 0. , 0. , 2.11107947, 1.01219293, 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.04725279, 2.08344949], [1.02423292, 2.13488502, 1.04728736, 0. , 0. , 2.12921019, 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.05551015, 1.0181115 , 1.0646386 , 0. , 0. , 0. , 1.04379077, 0. , 2.07508198, 0. ]])


New in 0.15

Added nanhist, to skip NaN values when computing a histogram. This is based on bin, i.e., performance may be sub-optimal.

Binned data#

Concatenating bins along all dimensions#

New in 0.16

The bins.concat method now supports concatenation of all dims.


da = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=100).bin(y=2, x=10)
da.bins.concat()  # 0-D output, i.e., a single bin
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (5.51 KB)
    • ()
      binned data [len=100]
      <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:100, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0868831, 0.0921815, ..., 0.94736, 0.947199] y float64 [m] (row) [0.00675377, 0.0319053, ..., 0.894706, 0.941554] z float64 [m] (row) [0.591519, 0.694849, ..., 0.560849, 0.313959] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.00212, 1.09436, ..., 1.03629, 1.03879]

Interpolation using lookup#

New in 0.15

lookup is extended and improved, to facilitate “event filtering” operations:

  • Support for non-histogram data arrays as input functions. In this case two lookup modes, previous and nearest are provided. This makes this similar to scipy.interpolate.interp1d.

  • Custom fill values are now supported. This is used for out-of-range as well as for masked values.

  • Works with transform_coords.


Given a function func and a data array:

x = sc.linspace('x', 0, 1, num=51, unit='m')
func = sc.DataArray(x * x, coords={'x': x})  # approximating f(x) = x**2
table = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=100)
da = table.bin(y=2, x=10)  # note x=10, unlike in func above

We can compute a new coordinate x2, for both the bin coordinate and the event coordinate:

da = da.transform_coords(x2=sc.lookup(func, mode='nearest'))
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (7.79 KB)
    • y: 2
    • x2: 10
    • x2
      (x2 [bin-edge])
      0.0, 0.010, ..., 0.81, 1.0
      array([0. , 0.01, 0.04, 0.09, 0.16, 0.25, 0.36, 0.49, 0.64, 0.81, 1. ])
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.007, 0.499, 0.991
      array([0.00675377, 0.49912624, 0.99149871])
    • (y, x2)
      binned data [len=6, len=2, ..., len=8, len=6]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:6, ] Coordinates: x2 float64 [m^2] (row) [0.0064, 0.01, ..., 0.0016, 0.0036] y float64 [m] (row) [0.00675377, 0.0319053, ..., 0.00843672, 0.266437] z float64 [m] (row) [0.591519, 0.694849, ..., 0.367852, 0.26365] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.00212, 1.09436, ..., 1.0173, 1.05255] Attributes: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0868831, 0.0921815, ..., 0.0338069, 0.0670407] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:2, ] Coordinates: x2 float64 [m^2] (row) [0.0324, 0.0256] y float64 [m] (row) [0.127554, 0.0978224] z float64 [m] (row) [0.98037, 0.314727] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.01681, 1.02912] Attributes: x float64 [m] (row) [0.172066, 0.153474] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:8, ] Coordinates: x2 float64 [m^2] (row) [0.7396, 0.7744, ..., 0.6724, 0.6724] y float64 [m] (row) [0.948835, 0.95134, ..., 0.501685, 0.741137] z float64 [m] (row) [0.0280613, 0.17809, ..., 0.559008, 0.454869] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.02456, 1.05888, ..., 1.05196, 1.01219] Attributes: x float64 [m] (row) [0.863758, 0.870415, ..., 0.829215, 0.823521] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:6, ] Coordinates: x2 float64 [m^2] (row) [0.9216, 0.8464, ..., 0.8836, 0.8836] y float64 [m] (row) [0.622047, 0.537658, ..., 0.894706, 0.941554] z float64 [m] (row) [0.730931, 0.918612, ..., 0.560849, 0.313959] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.06464, 1.05551, ..., 1.03629, 1.03879] Attributes: x float64 [m] (row) [0.964079, 0.922043, ..., 0.94736, 0.947199] ]
    • x
      (x2 [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.102, ..., 0.893, 0.992
      array([0.00313229, 0.10204498, 0.20095768, 0.29987037, 0.39878306, 0.49769576, 0.59660845, 0.69552115, 0.79443384, 0.89334654, 0.99225923])
(dims=('y', 'x2'), shape=(2, 10), unit=None, variances=False)values yx2 (dims=('row',), shape=(100,), unit=K, variances=False)values row x2x2(dims=('row',), shape=(100,), unit=m^2, variances=False)values row yy(dims=('row',), shape=(100,), unit=m, variances=False)values row zz(dims=('row',), shape=(100,), unit=m, variances=False)values row xx(dims=('row',), shape=(100,), unit=m, variances=False)values row yy(dims=('y',), shape=(3,), unit=m, variances=False)values y x2x2(dims=('x2',), shape=(11,), unit=m^2, variances=False)values x2 xx(dims=('x2',), shape=(11,), unit=m, variances=False)values x2

Extracting events based on a coord value or value interval#

New in 0.17

The bins property now supports __getitem__, providing a shorthand for extracting events based on a coord value or value interval. This is equivalent functionality to label-based indexing for dense data but considers the coordinates of the underlying bin content.


da = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=1000).bin(x=10)
start = 0.1 * sc.Unit('m')
stop = 0.2 * sc.Unit('m')
da.bins['y', start:stop]
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (6.04 KB)
    • x: 10
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      4.613e-05, 0.100, ..., 0.899, 0.999
      array([4.61285877e-05, 9.99550314e-02, 1.99863934e-01, 2.99772837e-01, 3.99681740e-01, 4.99590642e-01, 5.99499545e-01, 6.99408448e-01, 7.99317351e-01, 8.99226253e-01, 9.99135156e-01])
    • (x)
      binned data [len=10, len=9, ..., len=15, len=4]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:10, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0868831, 0.00675377, ..., 0.0281098, 0.0461231] y float64 [m] (row) [0.129214, 0.123998, ..., 0.121251, 0.116315] z float64 [m] (row) [0.313374, 0.934055, ..., 0.511447, 0.753407] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.06565, 1.04755, ..., 1.04337, 1.0458] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:9, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.172066, 0.141874, ..., 0.124112, 0.158134] y float64 [m] (row) [0.166753, 0.112651, ..., 0.137348, 0.129819] z float64 [m] (row) [0.35795, 0.609035, ..., 0.698717, 0.63518] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.07712, 1.09972, ..., 1.07154, 1.02147] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:15, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.863621, 0.863758, ..., 0.880341, 0.810629] y float64 [m] (row) [0.105932, 0.165131, ..., 0.150508, 0.149279] z float64 [m] (row) [0.638615, 0.779722, ..., 0.0799175, 0.376726] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.06823, 1.06322, ..., 1.04007, 1.09455] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:4, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.966344, 0.975194, 0.950059, 0.97777] y float64 [m] (row) [0.132392, 0.160399, 0.185897, 0.127608] z float64 [m] (row) [0.264217, 0.00072429, 0.476242, 0.579698] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.02881, 1.03364, 1.09637, 1.01852] ]
    • y
      0.1, 0.2
      array([0.1, 0.2])

Reduction operations#

More operations supported by data arrays and datasets#

New in 0.14

  • DataArray and Dataset now support more reduction operations, including sum, nansum, mean, nanmean, max, min, nanmax, nanmin, all, and any.

  • All of the above are now also supported for the bins property.

  • groupby now also supports all of these operations. Exception: nanmean.

  • Event-based masks are now supported in all reduction operations.


da = sc.data.binned_x(nevent=100, nbin=3)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (5.83 KB)
    • x: 3
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.333, 0.663, 0.992
      array([0.00313229, 0.33284127, 0.66255025, 0.99225923])
    • (x)
      binned data [len=37, len=26, len=37]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:37, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.261692, 0.319097, ..., 0.0338069, 0.0670407] y float64 [m] (row) [0.174846, 0.495505, ..., 0.00843672, 0.266437] z float64 [m] (row) [0.806809, 0.0545327, ..., 0.367852, 0.26365] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.04638, 1.08511, ..., 1.0173, 1.05255] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:26, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.380196, 0.441006, ..., 0.461613, 0.350609] y float64 [m] (row) [0.619161, 0.277216, ..., 0.221658, 0.220269] z float64 [m] (row) [0.00207108, 0.762591, ..., 0.351097, 0.00326209] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.0491, 1.02263, ..., 1.08232, 1.08752] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:37, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.9767, 0.923246, ..., 0.823521, 0.947199] y float64 [m] (row) [0.29784, 0.301757, ..., 0.741137, 0.941554] z float64 [m] (row) [0.747273, 0.809356, ..., 0.454869, 0.313959] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.05724, 1.07197, ..., 1.01219, 1.03879] ]

The maximum value in each bin:

Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.06 KB)
    • x: 3
    • x
      (x [bin-edge])
      0.003, 0.333, 0.663, 0.992
      array([0.00313229, 0.33284127, 0.66255025, 0.99225923])
    • (x)
      1.095, 1.094, 1.100
      array([1.09532596, 1.09356846, 1.09963128])

The maximum value in each bin of a binned variable, here a coordinate:

Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (280 Bytes)
    • (x: 3)
      0.326, 0.660, 0.992
      array([0.3264945 , 0.65987435, 0.99225923])

Shape operations#

fold supports size -1#

New in 0.12

fold now accepts up to one size (or shape) entry with value -1. This indicates that the size should be computed automatically based on the input size and other provided sizes.


var = sc.arange('xyz', 2448)
var.fold('xyz', sizes={'x': 4, 'y': 4, 'z': -1})
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.Variable (19.38 KB)
    • (x: 4, y: 4, z: 153)
      0, 1, ..., 2446, 2447
      array([[[ 0, 1, 2, ..., 150, 151, 152], [ 153, 154, 155, ..., 303, 304, 305], [ 306, 307, 308, ..., 456, 457, 458], [ 459, 460, 461, ..., 609, 610, 611]], [[ 612, 613, 614, ..., 762, 763, 764], [ 765, 766, 767, ..., 915, 916, 917], [ 918, 919, 920, ..., 1068, 1069, 1070], [1071, 1072, 1073, ..., 1221, 1222, 1223]], [[1224, 1225, 1226, ..., 1374, 1375, 1376], [1377, 1378, 1379, ..., 1527, 1528, 1529], [1530, 1531, 1532, ..., 1680, 1681, 1682], [1683, 1684, 1685, ..., 1833, 1834, 1835]], [[1836, 1837, 1838, ..., 1986, 1987, 1988], [1989, 1990, 1991, ..., 2139, 2140, 2141], [2142, 2143, 2144, ..., 2292, 2293, 2294], [2295, 2296, 2297, ..., 2445, 2446, 2447]]])

broadcast supports DataArray#

New in 0.13

broadcast now also supports data arrays.

flatten drops mismatching bin edges#

New in 0.15

flatten now drops mismatching bin edges instead of raising an exception.


hist = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=100).hist(y=2, x=4)
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (832 Bytes)
    • yx: 8
    • (yx)
      9.368, 16.031, ..., 9.454, 15.623
      array([ 9.36811784, 16.03081984, 9.412524 , 14.73394598, 16.84836126, 13.62563212, 9.45373887, 15.62294235])

Above the x edges cannot be joined together so the coordinate is dropped in the result. Note the similar behavior of integer-array indexing, for the same reason:

hist['x', [0, 2, 3]]  # drops x edges
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (1.07 KB)
    • y: 2
    • x: 3
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.007, 0.499, 0.991
      array([0.00675377, 0.49912624, 0.99149871])
    • (y, x)
      9.368, 9.413, ..., 9.454, 15.623
      array([[ 9.36811784, 9.412524 , 14.73394598], [16.84836126, 9.45373887, 15.62294235]])


Matplotlib backend no longer defaults to interactive#

New in 0.16

Plots are no longer interactive by default, standard Matplotlib rules apply, i.e., the inline backend is the default.

Activate the interactive backend:

%matplotlib widget

SciPy compatibility layer#

New in 0.11

A number of subpackages providing wrappers for a subset of functions from the corresponding packages in SciPy was added:

Please refer to the function documentation for working examples.

New in 0.14

  • scipp.ndimage providing gaussian_filter, median_filter, and more.

Python ecosystem compatibility#

New in 0.15

Added scipp.compat.to_xarray


da = sc.data.data_xy()
<xarray.DataArray (x: 100, y: 100)>
array([[0.97669977, 0.38019574, 0.92324623, ..., 0.82352055, 0.94719907,
       [0.29784009, 0.61916102, 0.30175743, ..., 0.74113721, 0.94155401,
        0.2664373 ],
       [0.74727331, 0.00207108, 0.80935632, ..., 0.45486878, 0.31395899,
        0.2636496 ],
       [0.96361756, 0.24277487, 0.13245066, ..., 0.040788  , 0.68996056,
       [0.86150017, 0.23153692, 0.46282186, ..., 0.56816586, 0.67814736,
       [0.76446616, 0.39851845, 0.00798981, ..., 0.79800865, 0.17579735,
  * x        (x) float64 0.0 0.0101 0.0202 0.0303 ... 0.9697 0.9798 0.9899 1.0
  * y        (y) float64 0.0 0.05051 0.101 0.1515 ... 4.848 4.899 4.949 5.0
    units:    dimensionless


New in 0.12

  • sc.bin() is now faster when binning or grouping into thousands of bins or more.

New in 0.14

Fixed slow import times of scipp.

New in 0.17

  • Much faster obj.bins.concat operations in presence of many bins.

  • When mapping between many input and output bins: Avoid huge memory use and slow performance in use of scipp.bin and scipp.group when only entire bins are combined (rather than splitting bins based on bin content coordinates). This avoids a number of cases where Python kernel used to crash since Scipp ran out of memory.


nx = 1000
da = sc.data.table_xyz(nrow=1000).bin(x=nx, y=100)
da.bins.concat('x')  # This used to be extremely slow and used a lot of memory for large nx
Show/Hide data repr Show/Hide attributes
scipp.DataArray (36.22 KB)
    • y: 100
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.001, 0.011, ..., 0.987, 0.997
      array([9.02154077e-04, 1.08670692e-02, 2.08319843e-02, 3.07968994e-02, 4.07618145e-02, 5.07267296e-02, 6.06916446e-02, 7.06565597e-02, 8.06214748e-02, 9.05863899e-02, 1.00551305e-01, 1.10516220e-01, 1.20481135e-01, 1.30446050e-01, 1.40410965e-01, 1.50375881e-01, 1.60340796e-01, 1.70305711e-01, 1.80270626e-01, 1.90235541e-01, 2.00200456e-01, 2.10165371e-01, 2.20130286e-01, 2.30095201e-01, 2.40060116e-01, 2.50025031e-01, 2.59989947e-01, 2.69954862e-01, 2.79919777e-01, 2.89884692e-01, 2.99849607e-01, 3.09814522e-01, 3.19779437e-01, 3.29744352e-01, 3.39709267e-01, 3.49674182e-01, 3.59639098e-01, 3.69604013e-01, 3.79568928e-01, 3.89533843e-01, 3.99498758e-01, 4.09463673e-01, 4.19428588e-01, 4.29393503e-01, 4.39358418e-01, 4.49323333e-01, 4.59288248e-01, 4.69253164e-01, 4.79218079e-01, 4.89182994e-01, 4.99147909e-01, 5.09112824e-01, 5.19077739e-01, 5.29042654e-01, 5.39007569e-01, 5.48972484e-01, 5.58937399e-01, 5.68902315e-01, 5.78867230e-01, 5.88832145e-01, 5.98797060e-01, 6.08761975e-01, 6.18726890e-01, 6.28691805e-01, 6.38656720e-01, 6.48621635e-01, 6.58586550e-01, 6.68551465e-01, 6.78516381e-01, 6.88481296e-01, 6.98446211e-01, 7.08411126e-01, 7.18376041e-01, 7.28340956e-01, 7.38305871e-01, 7.48270786e-01, 7.58235701e-01, 7.68200616e-01, 7.78165532e-01, 7.88130447e-01, 7.98095362e-01, 8.08060277e-01, 8.18025192e-01, 8.27990107e-01, 8.37955022e-01, 8.47919937e-01, 8.57884852e-01, 8.67849767e-01, 8.77814682e-01, 8.87779598e-01, 8.97744513e-01, 9.07709428e-01, 9.17674343e-01, 9.27639258e-01, 9.37604173e-01, 9.47569088e-01, 9.57534003e-01, 9.67498918e-01, 9.77463833e-01, 9.87428749e-01, 9.97393664e-01])
    • (y)
      binned data [len=11, len=10, ..., len=9, len=7]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:11, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0280613, 0.0968722, ..., 0.991499, 0.991714] y float64 [m] (row) [0.00416291, 0.00714188, ..., 0.00938611, 0.00106903] z float64 [m] (row) [0.354885, 0.688661, ..., 0.141885, 0.209621] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.02281, 1.03415, ..., 1.01734, 1.06838] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:10, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.174846, 0.191142, ..., 0.815277, 0.978397] y float64 [m] (row) [0.0140576, 0.0170821, ..., 0.011618, 0.0149191] z float64 [m] (row) [0.885087, 0.6359, ..., 0.203508, 0.669179] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.09905, 1.02628, ..., 1.08499, 1.07695] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:9, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.0487904, 0.194784, ..., 0.806809, 0.916985] y float64 [m] (row) [0.98007, 0.979635, ..., 0.978079, 0.985136] z float64 [m] (row) [0.445674, 0.0176133, ..., 0.10021, 0.527998] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.00799, 1.05134, ..., 1.079, 1.04629] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:7, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [0.049891, 0.255715, ..., 0.762591, 0.818312] y float64 [m] (row) [0.992104, 0.991193, ..., 0.991902, 0.990691] z float64 [m] (row) [0.615745, 0.749908, ..., 0.591638, 0.132023] Data: float64 [K] (row) [1.07842, 1.09163, ..., 1.03226, 1.02604] ]
da.coords['x2'] = sc.midpoints(da.coords['x'])
da.bin(x2=100)  # This used to be extremely slow and used a lot of memory for large nx
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scipp.DataArray (191.95 KB)
    • y: 100
    • x2: 100
    • x2
      (x2 [bin-edge])
      0.001, 0.011, ..., 0.989, 0.999
      array([5.45673102e-04, 1.05265725e-02, 2.05074719e-02, 3.04883713e-02, 4.04692706e-02, 5.04501700e-02, 6.04310694e-02, 7.04119688e-02, 8.03928682e-02, 9.03737676e-02, 1.00354667e-01, 1.10335566e-01, 1.20316466e-01, 1.30297365e-01, 1.40278265e-01, 1.50259164e-01, 1.60240063e-01, 1.70220963e-01, 1.80201862e-01, 1.90182761e-01, 2.00163661e-01, 2.10144560e-01, 2.20125460e-01, 2.30106359e-01, 2.40087258e-01, 2.50068158e-01, 2.60049057e-01, 2.70029957e-01, 2.80010856e-01, 2.89991755e-01, 2.99972655e-01, 3.09953554e-01, 3.19934453e-01, 3.29915353e-01, 3.39896252e-01, 3.49877152e-01, 3.59858051e-01, 3.69838950e-01, 3.79819850e-01, 3.89800749e-01, 3.99781649e-01, 4.09762548e-01, 4.19743447e-01, 4.29724347e-01, 4.39705246e-01, 4.49686145e-01, 4.59667045e-01, 4.69647944e-01, 4.79628844e-01, 4.89609743e-01, 4.99590642e-01, 5.09571542e-01, 5.19552441e-01, 5.29533341e-01, 5.39514240e-01, 5.49495139e-01, 5.59476039e-01, 5.69456938e-01, 5.79437838e-01, 5.89418737e-01, 5.99399636e-01, 6.09380536e-01, 6.19361435e-01, 6.29342334e-01, 6.39323234e-01, 6.49304133e-01, 6.59285033e-01, 6.69265932e-01, 6.79246831e-01, 6.89227731e-01, 6.99208630e-01, 7.09189530e-01, 7.19170429e-01, 7.29151328e-01, 7.39132228e-01, 7.49113127e-01, 7.59094026e-01, 7.69074926e-01, 7.79055825e-01, 7.89036725e-01, 7.99017624e-01, 8.08998523e-01, 8.18979423e-01, 8.28960322e-01, 8.38941222e-01, 8.48922121e-01, 8.58903020e-01, 8.68883920e-01, 8.78864819e-01, 8.88845718e-01, 8.98826618e-01, 9.08807517e-01, 9.18788417e-01, 9.28769316e-01, 9.38750215e-01, 9.48731115e-01, 9.58712014e-01, 9.68692914e-01, 9.78673813e-01, 9.88654712e-01, 9.98635612e-01])
    • y
      (y [bin-edge])
      0.001, 0.011, ..., 0.987, 0.997
      array([9.02154077e-04, 1.08670692e-02, 2.08319843e-02, 3.07968994e-02, 4.07618145e-02, 5.07267296e-02, 6.06916446e-02, 7.06565597e-02, 8.06214748e-02, 9.05863899e-02, 1.00551305e-01, 1.10516220e-01, 1.20481135e-01, 1.30446050e-01, 1.40410965e-01, 1.50375881e-01, 1.60340796e-01, 1.70305711e-01, 1.80270626e-01, 1.90235541e-01, 2.00200456e-01, 2.10165371e-01, 2.20130286e-01, 2.30095201e-01, 2.40060116e-01, 2.50025031e-01, 2.59989947e-01, 2.69954862e-01, 2.79919777e-01, 2.89884692e-01, 2.99849607e-01, 3.09814522e-01, 3.19779437e-01, 3.29744352e-01, 3.39709267e-01, 3.49674182e-01, 3.59639098e-01, 3.69604013e-01, 3.79568928e-01, 3.89533843e-01, 3.99498758e-01, 4.09463673e-01, 4.19428588e-01, 4.29393503e-01, 4.39358418e-01, 4.49323333e-01, 4.59288248e-01, 4.69253164e-01, 4.79218079e-01, 4.89182994e-01, 4.99147909e-01, 5.09112824e-01, 5.19077739e-01, 5.29042654e-01, 5.39007569e-01, 5.48972484e-01, 5.58937399e-01, 5.68902315e-01, 5.78867230e-01, 5.88832145e-01, 5.98797060e-01, 6.08761975e-01, 6.18726890e-01, 6.28691805e-01, 6.38656720e-01, 6.48621635e-01, 6.58586550e-01, 6.68551465e-01, 6.78516381e-01, 6.88481296e-01, 6.98446211e-01, 7.08411126e-01, 7.18376041e-01, 7.28340956e-01, 7.38305871e-01, 7.48270786e-01, 7.58235701e-01, 7.68200616e-01, 7.78165532e-01, 7.88130447e-01, 7.98095362e-01, 8.08060277e-01, 8.18025192e-01, 8.27990107e-01, 8.37955022e-01, 8.47919937e-01, 8.57884852e-01, 8.67849767e-01, 8.77814682e-01, 8.87779598e-01, 8.97744513e-01, 9.07709428e-01, 9.17674343e-01, 9.27639258e-01, 9.37604173e-01, 9.47569088e-01, 9.57534003e-01, 9.67498918e-01, 9.77463833e-01, 9.87428749e-01, 9.97393664e-01])
    • (y, x2)
      binned data [len=0, len=0, ..., len=0, len=0]
      [<scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , ..., <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] , <scipp.DataArray> Dimensions: Sizes[row:0, ] Coordinates: x float64 [m] (row) [] y float64 [m] (row) [] z float64 [m] (row) [] Data: float64 [K] (row) [] ]