Source code for ess.sans.conversions

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
from typing import NewType

import scipp as sc
from scippneutron.conversion.beamline import (
from scippneutron.conversion.graph import beamline, tof

from .common import mask_range
from .types import (

[docs] def cyl_unit_vectors(incident_beam: sc.Variable, gravity: sc.Variable): vectors = beam_aligned_unit_vectors(incident_beam=incident_beam, gravity=gravity) return { 'cyl_x_unit_vector': vectors['beam_aligned_unit_x'], 'cyl_y_unit_vector': vectors['beam_aligned_unit_y'], }
[docs] def cylindrical_x( cyl_x_unit_vector: sc.Variable, scattered_beam: sc.Variable ) -> sc.Variable: """ Compute the horizontal x coordinate perpendicular to the incident beam direction. Note that it is assumed here that the incident beam is perpendicular to the gravity vector. """ return, cyl_x_unit_vector)
[docs] def cylindrical_y( cyl_y_unit_vector: sc.Variable, scattered_beam: sc.Variable ) -> sc.Variable: """ Compute the vertical y coordinate perpendicular to the incident beam direction. Note that it is assumed here that the incident beam is perpendicular to the gravity vector. """ return, cyl_y_unit_vector)
[docs] def phi_no_gravity( cylindrical_x: sc.Variable, cylindrical_y: sc.Variable ) -> sc.Variable: """ Compute the cylindrical phi angle around the incident beam. Note that it is assumed here that the incident beam is perpendicular to the gravity vector. """ return sc.atan2(y=cylindrical_y, x=cylindrical_x)
[docs] def Qxy(Q: sc.Variable, phi: sc.Variable) -> dict[str, sc.Variable]: """ Compute the Qx and Qy components of the scattering vector from the scattering angle, wavelength, and phi angle. """ Qx = sc.cos(phi) Qy = sc.sin(phi) if Q.bins is not None and phi.bins is not None: Qx *= Q Qy *= Q else: Qx = Qx * Q Qy = Qy * Q return {'Qx': Qx, 'Qy': Qy}
ElasticCoordTransformGraph = NewType('ElasticCoordTransformGraph', dict) MonitorCoordTransformGraph = NewType('MonitorCoordTransformGraph', dict)
[docs] def sans_elastic(correct_for_gravity: CorrectForGravity) -> ElasticCoordTransformGraph: """ Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS elastic scattering. It is based on classical conversions from ``tof`` and pixel ``position`` to :math:`\\lambda` (``wavelength``), :math:`\\theta` (``theta``) and :math:`Q` (``Q``), but can take into account the Earth's gravitational field, which bends the flight path of the neutrons, to compute the scattering angle :math:`\\theta`. The angle can be found using the following expression (`Seeger & Hjelm 1991 <>`_): .. math:: \\theta = \\frac{1}{2}\\sin^{-1}\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{ x^{2} + \\left( y + \\frac{g m_{\\rm n}}{2 h^{2}} \\lambda^{2} L_{2}^{2} \\right)^{2} } }{L_{2}}\\right) where :math:`x` and :math:`y` are the spatial coordinates of the pixels in the horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, :math:`m_{\\rm n}` is the neutron mass, :math:`L_{2}` is the distance between the sample and a detector pixel, :math:`g` is the acceleration due to gravity, and :math:`h` is Planck's constant. By default, the effects of gravity on the neutron flight paths are not included (equivalent to :math:`g = 0` in the expression above). Parameters ---------- correct_for_gravity: Take into account the bending of the neutron flight paths from the Earth's gravitational field if ``True``. """ # noqa: E501 graph = {**beamline.beamline(scatter=True), **tof.elastic_Q('tof')} if correct_for_gravity: del graph['two_theta'] graph[('two_theta', 'phi')] = scattering_angles_with_gravity else: graph['phi'] = phi_no_gravity graph[('cyl_x_unit_vector', 'cyl_y_unit_vector')] = cyl_unit_vectors graph['cylindrical_x'] = cylindrical_x graph['cylindrical_y'] = cylindrical_y graph[('Qx', 'Qy')] = Qxy return ElasticCoordTransformGraph(graph)
[docs] def sans_monitor() -> MonitorCoordTransformGraph: """ Generate a coordinate transformation graph for SANS monitor (no scattering). """ return MonitorCoordTransformGraph( {**beamline.beamline(scatter=False), **tof.elastic_wavelength('tof')} )
[docs] def monitor_to_wavelength( monitor: TofMonitor[RunType, MonitorType], graph: MonitorCoordTransformGraph ) -> WavelengthMonitor[RunType, MonitorType]: return WavelengthMonitor[RunType, MonitorType]( monitor.transform_coords('wavelength', graph=graph, keep_inputs=False) )
# TODO This demonstrates a problem: Transforming to wavelength should be possible # for RawData, MaskedData, ... no reason to restrict necessarily. # Would we be fine with just choosing on option, or will this get in the way for users?
[docs] def detector_to_wavelength( detector: MaskedData[ScatteringRunType], graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph, ) -> CleanWavelength[ScatteringRunType, Numerator]: return CleanWavelength[ScatteringRunType, Numerator]( detector.transform_coords('wavelength', graph=graph, keep_inputs=False) )
[docs] def mask_wavelength( da: CleanWavelength[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart], mask: WavelengthMask ) -> CleanWavelengthMasked[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]: if mask is not None: da = mask_range(da, mask=mask) return CleanWavelengthMasked[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart](da)
def _compute_Q( data: sc.DataArray, graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph, target: tuple[str, ...] ) -> sc.DataArray: # Keep naming of wavelength dim, subsequent steps use a (Q[xy], wavelength) binning. return CleanQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]( data.transform_coords( target, graph=graph, keep_intermediate=False, rename_dims=False, ) )
[docs] def compute_Q( data: CleanWavelengthMasked[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart], graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph, ) -> CleanQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]: """ Convert a data array from wavelength to Q. """ return CleanQ[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]( _compute_Q(data=data, graph=graph, target=('Q',)) )
[docs] def compute_Qxy( data: CleanWavelengthMasked[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart], graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph, ) -> CleanQxy[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]: """ Convert a data array from wavelength to Qx and Qy. """ return CleanQxy[ScatteringRunType, IofQPart]( _compute_Q(data=data, graph=graph, target=('Qx', 'Qy')) )
providers = ( sans_elastic, sans_monitor, monitor_to_wavelength, detector_to_wavelength, mask_wavelength, compute_Q, compute_Qxy, )