Module Attributes
Total length of the flight path from the source to the detector. |
Range (min, max) of the total length of the flight path from the source to the detector. |
Step size of the distance axis in the lookup table. |
Step size of the event_time_offset axis in the lookup table. |
Lookup table giving time-of-flight as a function of distance and time of arrival. |
Threshold for the relative standard deviation (coefficient of variation) of the projected time-of-flight above which values are masked. |
Period of the source pulses, i.e., time between consecutive pulse starts. |
Stride of used pulses. |
When pulse-skipping, the offset of the first pulse in the stride. |
Raw detector data loaded from a NeXus file, e.g., NXdetector containing NXevent_data. |
Detector data with time-of-flight coordinate. |
Histogrammed detector data with time-of-flight coordinate, that has been resampled. |
Results of a time-of-flight simulation used to create a lookup table. |