Raw count processing and visualization for live data display.

The main feature of this module if RollingDetectorView, which provides a rolling view of a detector. This is useful for live data display, where the most recent counts, i.e., from the last N pulses, are of interest.

As various detector geometries can often not be directly visualized in a useful way, the module also provides a way to project the detector data onto a different coordinate systems. A full set of options is not implemented yet. Currently there are three options:

  • ‘xy_plane’: Project the data onto the x-y plane, i.e., perpendicular to the beam.

  • ‘cylinder_mantle_z’: Project the data onto the mantle of a cylinder aligned with the


  • A callable, e.g., to select and flatten dimensions of the data.





pixel_cylinder_axis(shape, transform)

pixel_cylinder_radius(shape, transform)


position_noise_for_cylindrical_pixel(*, ...)

position_with_noisy_replicas(*, detector, ...)

Create a new position array with noise added to the detector positions.

project_onto_cylinder_z(position, *[, radius])

Project positions onto the mantle of a cylinder aligned with the z axis.

project_xy(position, *[, zplane])

Project positions onto the x-y plane, i.e., perpendicular to the beam (z axis).



Histogrammer(coords, edges)

Histogrammer for a detector view.

RollingDetectorView(*, detector_number, window)

Rolling view of a detector.