
Load a NeXus sample group from a file.

If there is no sample group in the file, an empty group is returned. This should not happen, but handling it gracefully makes testing and working with pre-production files easier. There should be little harm in returning an empty group. Subsequent extract of the sample position will then default to the origin.


location (NeXusComponentLocationSpec[NXsample, TypeVar(RunType, nexus.types.BackgroundRun (int), nexus.types.EmptyBeamRun (int), nexus.types.SampleRun (int), TransmissionRun[nexus.types.SampleRun (int)], TransmissionRun[nexus.types.BackgroundRun (int)], nexus.types.VanadiumRun (int))]) – Location spec for the sample group.

Return type:

NeXusComponent[NXsample, TypeVar(RunType, nexus.types.BackgroundRun (int), nexus.types.EmptyBeamRun (int), nexus.types.SampleRun (int), TransmissionRun[nexus.types.SampleRun (int)], TransmissionRun[nexus.types.BackgroundRun (int)], nexus.types.VanadiumRun (int))]