Source code for scippneutron.tof.to_events
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2024 Scipp contributors (
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import scipp as sc
def to_events(
da: sc.DataArray, event_dim: str, events_per_bin: int = 500
) -> sc.DataArray:
Convert a histogrammed data array to an event list.
Each dimension with a bin-edge coordinate is converted to an event coordinate.
The contract is that if we re-histogram the event list with the same bin edges,
we should get the original counts back.
Masks on non-bin-edge dimensions are preserved.
If there are masks on bin-edge dimensions, the masked values are zeroed out in the
original data before the conversion to events.
DataArray to convert to events.
Name of the new event dimension.
Number of events to generate per bin.
if da.bins is not None:
raise ValueError("Cannot convert a binned DataArray to events.")
rng = np.random.default_rng()
event_coords = {}
edge_dims = []
midp_dims = []
# Separate bin-edge and midpoints coords
for dim in da.dims:
if da.coords.is_edges(dim):
edge_sizes = {dim: da.sizes[dim] for dim in edge_dims}
for dim in edge_dims:
coord = da.coords[dim]
low = sc.broadcast(coord[dim, :-1], sizes=edge_sizes).values
high = sc.broadcast(coord[dim, 1:], sizes=edge_sizes).values
# The numpy.random.uniform function below does not support NaNs, so we need to
# replace them with zeros, and then replace them back after the random numbers
# have been generated.
nans = np.isnan(low) | np.isnan(high)
low = np.where(nans, 0.0, low)
high = np.where(nans, 0.0, high)
# In each bin, we generate a number of events with a uniform distribution.
events = rng.uniform(
low, high, size=(events_per_bin, *list(edge_sizes.values()))
events[..., nans] = np.nan
event_coords[dim] = sc.array(
dims=[event_dim, *edge_dims], values=events, unit=coord.unit
# Find and apply masks that are on a bin-edge dimension
event_masks = {}
other_masks = {}
edge_dims_set = set(edge_dims)
for key, mask in da.masks.items():
if set(mask.dims) & edge_dims_set:
event_masks[key] = mask
other_masks[key] = mask
data =
if event_masks:
inv_mask = (~reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, event_masks.values())).to(dtype=int)
inv_mask.unit = ''
data = data * inv_mask
# Create the data counts, which are the original counts divided by the number of
# events per bin
sizes = {event_dim: events_per_bin} | da.sizes
val = sc.broadcast(sc.values(data) / float(events_per_bin), sizes=sizes)
kwargs = {'dims': sizes.keys(), 'values': val.values, 'unit': data.unit}
if data.variances is not None:
kwargs['variances'] = sc.broadcast(
sc.variances(data) / float(events_per_bin), sizes=sizes
new_data = sc.array(**kwargs)
new = sc.DataArray(data=new_data, coords=event_coords)
new = new.transpose((*midp_dims, *edge_dims, event_dim)).flatten(
dims=[*edge_dims, event_dim], to=event_dim
return new.assign_coords(
{dim: da.coords[dim].copy() for dim in midp_dims}
).assign_masks({key: mask.copy() for key, mask in other_masks.items()})