Source code for scippneutron.tof.to_events

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2024 Scipp contributors (

from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import scipp as sc

[docs] def to_events( da: sc.DataArray, event_dim: str, events_per_bin: int = 500 ) -> sc.DataArray: """ Convert a histogrammed data array to an event list. Each dimension with a bin-edge coordinate is converted to an event coordinate. The contract is that if we re-histogram the event list with the same bin edges, we should get the original counts back. Masks on non-bin-edge dimensions are preserved. If there are masks on bin-edge dimensions, the masked values are zeroed out in the original data before the conversion to events. Parameters ---------- da: DataArray to convert to events. event_dim: Name of the new event dimension. events_per_bin: Number of events to generate per bin. """ if da.bins is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert a binned DataArray to events.") rng = np.random.default_rng() event_coords = {} edge_dims = [] midp_dims = [] # Separate bin-edge and midpoints coords for dim in da.dims: if da.coords.is_edges(dim): edge_dims.append(dim) else: midp_dims.append(dim) edge_sizes = {dim: da.sizes[dim] for dim in edge_dims} for dim in edge_dims: coord = da.coords[dim] low = sc.broadcast(coord[dim, :-1], sizes=edge_sizes).values high = sc.broadcast(coord[dim, 1:], sizes=edge_sizes).values # The numpy.random.uniform function below does not support NaNs, so we need to # replace them with zeros, and then replace them back after the random numbers # have been generated. nans = np.isnan(low) | np.isnan(high) low = np.where(nans, 0.0, low) high = np.where(nans, 0.0, high) # In each bin, we generate a number of events with a uniform distribution. events = rng.uniform( low, high, size=(events_per_bin, *list(edge_sizes.values())) ) events[..., nans] = np.nan event_coords[dim] = sc.array( dims=[event_dim, *edge_dims], values=events, unit=coord.unit ) # Find and apply masks that are on a bin-edge dimension event_masks = {} other_masks = {} edge_dims_set = set(edge_dims) for key, mask in da.masks.items(): if set(mask.dims) & edge_dims_set: event_masks[key] = mask else: other_masks[key] = mask data = if event_masks: inv_mask = (~reduce(lambda a, b: a | b, event_masks.values())).to(dtype=int) inv_mask.unit = '' data = data * inv_mask # Create the data counts, which are the original counts divided by the number of # events per bin sizes = {event_dim: events_per_bin} | da.sizes val = sc.broadcast(sc.values(data) / float(events_per_bin), sizes=sizes) kwargs = {'dims': sizes.keys(), 'values': val.values, 'unit': data.unit} if data.variances is not None: kwargs['variances'] = sc.broadcast( sc.variances(data) / float(events_per_bin), sizes=sizes ).values new_data = sc.array(**kwargs) new = sc.DataArray(data=new_data, coords=event_coords) new = new.transpose((*midp_dims, *edge_dims, event_dim)).flatten( dims=[*edge_dims, event_dim], to=event_dim ) return new.assign_coords( {dim: da.coords[dim].copy() for dim in midp_dims} ).assign_masks({key: mask.copy() for key, mask in other_masks.items()})