Source code for ess.sans.common

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
import uuid

import numpy as np
import scipp as sc
from scipp.constants import g

[docs] def gravity_vector() -> sc.Variable: """ Return a vector of 3 components, defining the magnitude and direction of the Earth's gravitational field. """ return sc.vector(value=[0, -1, 0]) * g
[docs] def mask_range( da: sc.DataArray, mask: sc.DataArray, name: str | None = None ) -> sc.DataArray: """ Mask a range on a data array. The provided edges are used to define the ranges to be masked. Parameters ---------- da: The data array to be masked. mask: A data array defining the mask to be applied. Only one-dimensional masks are supported. The data array should contain a bin-edge coordinate which represents the edges of the ranges to be masked. The values of the data array represent the mask values (``True`` or ``False``) inside each range defined by the coordinate. name: The name of the mask to be applied. If not provided, a random name will be used. Returns ------- : A copy of the input data array with the mask applied. """ if name is None: name = uuid.uuid4().hex if name in da.masks: raise ValueError( f'Mask {name} already exists in data array and would be overwritten.' ) dim = mask.dim edges = mask.coords[dim] if not mask.coords.is_edges(dim): raise sc.DimensionError( f'Coordinate {dim} must be bin-edges to mask a range, found midpoints.' ) if (dim in da.coords) and (da.coords[dim].ndim > 1): raise sc.DimensionError( 'Cannot mask range on data with multi-dimensional coordinate. ' f'Found dimensions {da.coords[dim].dims} for coordinate {dim}.' ) coord = ( da.bins.constituents['data'].coords[dim] if da.bins is not None else da.coords[dim] ) edges = lu = sc.DataArray(, coords={dim: edges}) if da.bins is not None: if dim not in da.coords: underlying = da.bins.coords[dim] new_bins = np.union1d( edges.values, np.array( [ underlying.min().value, np.nextafter(underlying.max().value, np.inf), ] ), ) else: new_bins = np.union1d(edges.values, da.coords[dim].values) new_bins = sc.array(dims=[dim], values=new_bins, unit=edges.unit) out = da.bin({dim: new_bins}) out.masks[name] = sc.lookup(lu, dim)[sc.midpoints(new_bins, dim=dim)] else: out = da.copy(deep=False) mask_values = sc.lookup(lu, dim)[da.coords[dim]] if da.coords.is_edges(dim): out.masks[name] = mask_values[dim, 1:] | mask_values[dim, :-1] else: out.masks[name] = mask_values return out