Source code for ess.amor.types
from typing import Any, NewType
import sciline
import scipp as sc
from ..reflectometry.types import RunType
WavelengthResolution = NewType("WavelengthResolution", sc.Variable)
AngularResolution = NewType("AngularResolution", sc.Variable)
SampleSizeResolution = NewType("SampleSizeResolution", sc.Variable)
class ChopperFrequency(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable):
"""Frequency of the choppers used in the run."""
class ChopperPhase(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable):
"""Phase of the choppers in the run."""
class Chopper1Position(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable):
"""Position of the first chopper relative the source of the beam."""
class Chopper2Position(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable):
"""Position of the second chopper relative to the source of the beam."""
class RawChopper(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataGroup], sc.DataGroup):
"""Chopper data loaded from nexus file"""
class ThetaBins(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable):
"""Binning in theta that takes into consideration that some
detector pixels have the same theta value"""
WavelengthThetaFigure = NewType("WavelengthThetaFigure", Any)
WavelengthZIndexFigure = NewType("WavelengthZIndexFigure", Any)
QThetaFigure = NewType("QThetaFigure", Any)
ReflectivityDiagnosticsView = NewType("ReflectivityDiagnosticsView", Any)