Source code for ess.nmx.scaling

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2024 Scipp contributors (
from import Callable, Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import NewType, TypeVar

import scipp as sc

from .mtz_io import NMXMtzDataArray

# User defined or configurable types
WavelengthBins = NewType("WavelengthBins", sc.Variable | int)
"""User configurable wavelength binning"""
ReferenceWavelength = NewType("ReferenceWavelength", sc.Variable | None)
"""The wavelength to select reference intensities."""

# Computed types
"""Filtered mtz dataframe by the quad root of the sample standard deviation."""
WavelengthBinned = NewType("WavelengthBinned", sc.DataArray)
"""Binned mtz dataframe by wavelength(LAMBDA) with derived columns."""
SelectedReferenceWavelength = NewType("SelectedReferenceWavelength", sc.Variable)
"""The wavelength to select reference intensities."""
ReferenceIntensities = NewType("ReferenceIntensities", sc.DataArray)
"""Reference intensities selected by the wavelength."""
EstimatedScaleFactor = NewType("EstimatedScaleFactor", sc.DataArray)
"""The estimated scale factor from the reference intensities per ``hkl_asu``."""
EstimatedScaledIntensities = NewType("EstimatedScaledIntensities", sc.DataArray)
"""Scaled intensities by the estimated scale factor."""
FilteredEstimatedScaledIntensities = NewType(
    "FilteredEstimatedScaledIntensities", sc.DataArray

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] def get_wavelength_binned( mtz_da: NMXMtzDataArray, wavelength_bins: WavelengthBins, ) -> WavelengthBinned: """Bin the whole dataset by wavelength(LAMBDA). Parameters ---------- mtz_da: The merged dataset. wavelength_bins: The wavelength(LAMBDA) bins. Notes ----- Wavelength(LAMBDA) binning should always be done on the merged dataset. """ return WavelengthBinned(mtz_da.bin({"wavelength": wavelength_bins}))
def _is_bin_empty(binned: sc.DataArray, idx: int) -> bool: """Check if the bin is empty.""" return binned[idx].values.size == 0 def _get_middle_bin_idx(binned: sc.DataArray) -> int: """Find the middle bin index. If the middle one is empty, the function will search for the nearest. """ middle_number, offset = len(binned) // 2, 0 while 0 < (cur_idx := middle_number + offset) < len(binned) and _is_bin_empty( binned, cur_idx ): offset = -offset + 1 if offset <= 0 else -offset if _is_bin_empty(binned, cur_idx): raise ValueError("No reference group found.") return cur_idx
[docs] def get_reference_wavelength( binned: WavelengthBinned, reference_wavelength: ReferenceWavelength, ) -> SelectedReferenceWavelength: """Select the reference wavelength. Parameters ---------- binned: The wavelength binned data. reference_wavelength: The reference wavelength to select the intensities. If ``None``, the middle group is selected. It should be a scalar variable as it is selecting one of bins. """ if reference_wavelength is None: ref_idx = _get_middle_bin_idx(binned) return SelectedReferenceWavelength(binned.coords["wavelength"][ref_idx]) else: return SelectedReferenceWavelength(reference_wavelength)
[docs] def get_reference_intensities( binned: WavelengthBinned, reference_wavelength: SelectedReferenceWavelength, ) -> ReferenceIntensities: """Find the reference intensities by the wavelength. Parameters ---------- binned: The wavelength binned data. reference_wavelength: The reference wavelength to select the intensities. Raises ------ ValueError: If no reference group is found. """ if reference_wavelength is None: ref_idx = _get_middle_bin_idx(binned) return binned[ref_idx].values.copy(deep=False) else: if reference_wavelength.dims: raise ValueError("Reference wavelength should be a scalar.") try: return binned["wavelength", reference_wavelength].values.copy(deep=False) except IndexError as err: raise IndexError(f"{reference_wavelength} out of range.") from err
[docs] def estimate_scale_factor_per_hkl_asu_from_reference( reference_intensities: ReferenceIntensities, ) -> EstimatedScaleFactor: """Calculate the estimated scale factor per ``hkl_asu``. The estimated scale factor is calculated as the average of the inverse of the non-empty reference intensities. It is part of the calculation of estimated scaled intensities for fitting the scaling model. .. math:: EstimatedScaleFactor_{(hkl)} = \\dfrac{ \\sum_{i=1}^{N_{(hkl)}} \\dfrac{1}{I_{i}} }{ N_{(hkl)} } = average( \\dfrac{1}{I_{(hkl)}} ) Estimated scale factor is calculated per ``hkl_asu``. This is part of the calculation of roughly-scaled-intensities for fitting the scaling model. The whole procedure is described in :func:`average_roughly_scaled_intensities`. Parameters ---------- reference_intensities: The reference intensities selected by wavelength. Returns ------- : The estimated scale factor per ``hkl_asu``. The result should have a dimension of ``hkl_asu``. It does not have a dimension of ``wavelength`` since it is calculated from the reference intensities, which is selected by one ``wavelength``. """ # Workaround for # and import numpy as np unique_hkl = np.unique(reference_intensities.coords["hkl_asu"].values) group_var = sc.array(dims=["hkl_asu"], values=unique_hkl) grouped = return EstimatedScaleFactor((1 / grouped).bins.mean())
[docs] def average_roughly_scaled_intensities( binned: WavelengthBinned, scale_factor: EstimatedScaleFactor, ) -> EstimatedScaledIntensities: """Scale the intensities by the estimated scale factor. Parameters ---------- binned: Intensities binned in the wavelength dimension. It will be grouped by reflection (hkl) in the process. scale_factor: The estimated scale factor per reflection(hkl) of the reference wavelength bin. See :func:`estimate_scale_factor_per_hkl_asu_from_reference` for the calculation of the estimated scale factor. .. math:: EstimatedScaleFactor_{(hkl)} = average( \\dfrac{1}{I_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)}} ) Returns ------- : Average scaled intensities on ``hkl(asu)`` indices per wavelength. Notes ----- The average of roughly scaled intensities are calculated by the following formula: .. math:: EstimatedScaledI_{\\lambda} = \\dfrac{ \\sum_{i=1}^{N_{\\lambda, (hkl)}} EstimatedScaledI_{\\lambda, (hkl)} }{ N_{\\lambda, (hkl)} } And scaled intensities on each ``hkl(asu)`` indices per wavelength are calculated by the following formula: .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{eqnarray} EstimatedScaledI_{\\lambda, (hkl)} \\\\ = \\dfrac{ \\sum_{i=1}^{N_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)}} \\sum_{j=1}^{N_{\\lambda, (hkl)}} \\dfrac{I_{j}}{I_{i}} }{ N_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)}*N_{\\lambda, (hkl)} } \\\\ = \\dfrac{ \\sum_{i=1}^{N_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)}} \\dfrac{1}{I_{i}} }{ N_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)} } * \\dfrac{ \\sum_{j=1}^{N_{\\lambda, (hkl)}} I_{j} }{ N_{\\lambda, (hkl)} } \\\\ = average( \\dfrac{1}{I_{\\lambda=reference, (hkl)}} ) * average( I_{\\lambda, (hkl)} ) \\end{eqnarray} Therefore the ``binned(wavelength dimension)`` should be grouped along the ``hkl(asu)`` coordinate in the calculation. """ # Group by HKL_EQ of the estimated scale factor from reference intensities grouped =["hkl_asu"]) # Drop variances of the scale factor # Scale each group each bin by the scale factor intensities = sc.nanmean( grouped.bins.nanmean() * sc.values(scale_factor), dim="hkl_asu" ) # Take the midpoints of the wavelength bin coordinates # to represent the average wavelength of the bin # It is because the bin-edges are dropped while flattening the data # and the data is expected to be filtered after this step. intensities.coords["wavelength"] = sc.midpoints( intensities.coords["wavelength"], ) return EstimatedScaledIntensities(intensities)
ScaledIntensityLeftTailThreshold = NewType( "ScaledIntensityLeftTailThreshold", sc.Variable ) """The threshold to cut the left tail of the estimated scaled intensities.""" DEFAULT_LEFT_TAIL_THRESHOLD = ScaledIntensityLeftTailThreshold(sc.scalar(0.1)) ScaledIntensityRightTailThreshold = NewType( "ScaledIntensityRightTailThreshold", sc.Variable ) """The threshold to cut the right tail of the estimated scaled intensities.""" DEFAULT_RIGHT_TAIL_THRESHOLD = ScaledIntensityRightTailThreshold(sc.scalar(2.0))
[docs] def cut_tails( scaled_intensities: EstimatedScaledIntensities, left_threashold: ScaledIntensityLeftTailThreshold = DEFAULT_LEFT_TAIL_THRESHOLD, right_threshold: ScaledIntensityRightTailThreshold = DEFAULT_RIGHT_TAIL_THRESHOLD, ) -> FilteredEstimatedScaledIntensities: """Cut the right tail of the estimated scaled intensities by the threshold. Parameters ---------- scaled_intensities: The scaled intensities to be filtered. left_threashold: The threshold to be cut from the left tail. right_threshold: The threshold to be cut from the right tail. Returns ------- : The filtered scaled intensities with the tails cut. """ return FilteredEstimatedScaledIntensities( scaled_intensities[ ( > left_threashold) & ( < right_threshold) ].copy(deep=False) )
[docs] @dataclass class FittingResult: """Result of the fitting process.""" fitting_func: Callable[..., sc.DataArray] """The fitting function to be used for fitting.""" params: Mapping """Parameters of the fitting function.""" covariance: Mapping """Covariance of the :attr:`~FittingParams`.""" fit_output: sc.DataArray """The final output of the fitting function."""
[docs] def polyval_wavelength( wavelength: sc.Variable, *, out_unit: str, **kwargs ) -> sc.DataArray: """Polynomial helper for fitting. The coefficients are adjusted to make the fitting result have ``out_unit`` as unit. Parameters ---------- wavelength: The wavelength coordinate. out_unit: The unit of the output. **kwargs: The polynomial coefficients. Returns ------- : The polynomial calculated at the wavelength. """ # We need to use float64 precision because # the curve fit routine depends on finite difference # estimates of the derivative. wavelength ='float64') out = sc.zeros_like(wavelength) out.unit = out_unit xk = sc.ones_like(wavelength) for _, arg_value in enumerate(kwargs.values()): out += sc.values(arg_value) * xk * sc.scalar(1.0, unit=out.unit / xk.unit) xk *= wavelength return out
WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree = NewType("WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree", int) DEFAULT_WAVELENGTH_FITTING_POLYNOMIAL_DEGREE = WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree(7)
[docs] def fit_wavelength_scale_factor_polynomial( estimated_intensities: FilteredEstimatedScaledIntensities, *, n_degree: WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree, ) -> FittingResult: """Fit the wavelength scale factor polynomial. It uses :func:`polyval_wavelength` as the fitting function and :func:`scipp.optimize.curve_fit` for the fitting process. The initial guess for the polynomial coefficients is set to 1 for all degrees. The unit of the coefficients is adjusted to make the fitting result dimensionless. Parameters ---------- estimated_intensities: The estimated scaled intensities to be fitted. n_degree: The degree of the polynomial to be fitted. Returns ------- : The fitting result. """ from functools import partial fitting_func = partial(polyval_wavelength, out_unit="dimensionless") p_result, cov_result = sc.curve_fit( coords=["wavelength"], f=fitting_func, da=estimated_intensities, p0={f"arg{i}": sc.scalar(1) for i in range(n_degree)}, ) data = fitting_func(estimated_intensities.coords["wavelength"], **p_result) return FittingResult( fitting_func=fitting_func, params=p_result, covariance=cov_result, fit_output=sc.DataArray(, coords={"wavelength": estimated_intensities.coords["wavelength"]}, ), )
WavelengthScaleFactors = NewType("WavelengthScaleFactors", sc.DataArray) """The scale factors of `"wavelength"`."""
[docs] def calculate_wavelength_scale_factor( fitting_result: FittingResult, reference_wavelength: SelectedReferenceWavelength, ) -> WavelengthScaleFactors: """Calculate the scale factors along the `"wavelength"`.""" scaled_reference = fitting_result.fitting_func( reference_wavelength, **fitting_result.params ) scale_factor = fitting_result.fit_output / scaled_reference return WavelengthScaleFactors(scale_factor)
providers = ( cut_tails, get_wavelength_binned, get_reference_wavelength, get_reference_intensities, estimate_scale_factor_per_hkl_asu_from_reference, average_roughly_scaled_intensities, fit_wavelength_scale_factor_polynomial, calculate_wavelength_scale_factor, ) """Providers for scaling data.""" default_parameters = { WavelengthBins: sc.linspace("wavelength", 2.6, 3.6, 250, unit="angstrom"), ScaledIntensityLeftTailThreshold: DEFAULT_LEFT_TAIL_THRESHOLD, ScaledIntensityRightTailThreshold: DEFAULT_RIGHT_TAIL_THRESHOLD, WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree: WavelengthFittingPolynomialDegree(7), } """Default parameters for scaling data."""