Source code for ess.nmx.reduction
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
from typing import NewType
import scipp as sc
from .mcstas.xml import McStasInstrument
from .types import DetectorName, TimeBinSteps
NMXData = NewType("NMXData", sc.DataGroup)
NMXReducedData = NewType("NMXReducedData", sc.DataGroup)
def bin_time_of_arrival(
nmx_data: NMXData,
detector_name: DetectorName,
instrument: McStasInstrument,
time_bin_step: TimeBinSteps,
) -> NMXReducedData:
"""Bin time of arrival data into ``time_bin_step`` bins."""
counts = nmx_data.pop('weights').hist(t=time_bin_step)
new_coords = instrument.to_coords(detector_name)
return NMXReducedData(sc.DataGroup(counts=counts, **{**nmx_data, **new_coords}))
def _concat_or_same(
obj: list[sc.Variable | sc.DataArray], dim: str
) -> sc.Variable | sc.DataArray:
first = obj[0]
# instrument.to_coords in bin_time_of_arrival adds a panel coord to some fields,
# even if it has only length 1. If this is the case we concat, even if identical.
# Maybe McStasInstrument.to_coords should be changed to only handle a single
# panel, and not perform concatenation?
if all(dim not in o.dims and sc.identical(first, o) for o in obj):
return first
return sc.concat(obj, dim)
def merge_panels(*panel: NMXReducedData) -> NMXReducedData:
"""Merge a list of panels by concatenating along the 'panel' dimension."""
keys = panel[0].keys()
if not all(p.keys() == keys for p in panel):
raise ValueError("All panels must have the same keys.")
return NMXReducedData(
{key: _concat_or_same([p[key] for p in panel], 'panel') for key in keys}