Source code for ess.powder.types

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (

"""This module defines the domain types used in ess.powder.

The domain types are used to define parameters and to request results from a Sciline

from import Callable
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, NewType, TypeVar

import sciline
import scipp as sc
from import cif

from import types as reduce_t
from ess.reduce.uncertainty import UncertaintyBroadcastMode as _UncertaintyBroadcastMode

# 1 TypeVars used to parametrize the generic parts of the workflow

BackgroundRun = reduce_t.BackgroundRun
CalibratedDetector = reduce_t.CalibratedDetector
CalibratedMonitor = reduce_t.CalibratedMonitor
DetectorData = reduce_t.DetectorData
DetectorPositionOffset = reduce_t.DetectorPositionOffset
EmptyBeamRun = reduce_t.EmptyBeamRun
Filename = reduce_t.Filename
CaveMonitor = reduce_t.Monitor1
MonitorData = reduce_t.MonitorData
MonitorPositionOffset = reduce_t.MonitorPositionOffset
MonitorType = reduce_t.MonitorType
NeXusDetectorName = reduce_t.NeXusDetectorName
NeXusMonitorName = reduce_t.NeXusName
NeXusComponent = reduce_t.NeXusComponent
RunType = reduce_t.RunType
SampleRun = reduce_t.SampleRun
Position = reduce_t.Position
VanadiumRun = reduce_t.VanadiumRun

DetectorBankSizes = reduce_t.DetectorBankSizes

# 2 Workflow parameters

CalibrationFilename = NewType("CalibrationFilename", str | None)
"""Filename of the instrument calibration file."""

DspacingBins = NewType("DSpacingBins", sc.Variable)
"""Bin edges for d-spacing."""

OutFilename = NewType("OutFilename", str)
"""Filename of the output."""

TwoThetaBins = NewType("TwoThetaBins", sc.Variable)
"""Bin edges for grouping in 2theta.

This is used by an alternative focussing step that groups detector
pixels by scattering angle into bins given by these edges.

UncertaintyBroadcastMode = _UncertaintyBroadcastMode
"""Mode for broadcasting uncertainties.

See for context.

ValidTofRange = NewType("ValidTofRange", sc.Variable)
"""Min and max tof value of the instrument."""

# 3 Workflow (intermediate) results

[docs] class AccumulatedProtonCharge(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.Variable], sc.Variable): """Total proton charge.""" # Override the docstring of super().__init__ because if contains a broken link # when used by Sphinx in ESSdiffraction.
[docs] def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
CalibrationData = NewType("CalibrationData", sc.Dataset | None) """Detector calibration data."""
[docs] class DataWithScatteringCoordinates(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Data with scattering coordinates computed for all events: wavelength, 2theta, d-spacing."""
[docs] class DspacingData(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Data converted to d-spacing."""
DspacingHistogram = NewType("DspacingHistogram", sc.DataArray) """Histogrammed intensity vs d-spacing.""" ElasticCoordTransformGraph = NewType("ElasticCoordTransformGraph", dict) """Graph for transforming coordinates in elastic scattering."""
[docs] class FilteredData(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Raw data without invalid events."""
[docs] class FocussedDataDspacing(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Intensity vs d-spacing after focussing pixels."""
[docs] class FocussedDataDspacingTwoTheta(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Intensity vs (d-spacing, 2theta) after focussing pixels."""
IofDspacing = NewType("IofDspacing", sc.DataArray) """Data that has been normalized by a vanadium run.""" IofTof = NewType("IofTof", sc.DataArray) """Data that has been normalized by a vanadium run and converted to ToF.""" IofDspacingTwoTheta = NewType("IofDspacingTwoTheta", sc.DataArray) """Data that has been normalized by a vanadium run, and grouped into 2theta bins."""
[docs] class MaskedData(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Data with masked pixels, tof regions, wavelength regions, 2theta regions, or dspacing regions."""
MaskedDetectorIDs = NewType("MaskedDetectorIDs", dict[str, sc.Variable]) """1-D variable listing all masked detector IDs.""" CaveMonitorPosition = NewType("CaveMonitorPosition", sc.Variable) """Position of DREAM's cave monitor."""
[docs] class MonitorFilename(sciline.Scope[RunType, Path], Path): """Filename for monitor data. Usually, monitors should be stored in the same file as detector data. But McStas simulations may output monitors and detectors as separate files. """
[docs] class WavelengthMonitor( sciline.ScopeTwoParams[RunType, MonitorType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray ): """Monitor histogram in wavelength."""
[docs] class NormalizedRunData(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Data that has been normalized by proton charge."""
PixelMaskFilename = NewType("PixelMaskFilename", str) """Filename of a pixel mask."""
[docs] class ProtonCharge(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataArray], sc.DataArray): """Time-dependent proton charge."""
[docs] class RawDataAndMetadata(sciline.Scope[RunType, sc.DataGroup], sc.DataGroup): """Raw data and associated metadata."""
TofMask = NewType("TofMask", Callable | None) """TofMask is a callable that returns a mask for a given TofData.""" TwoThetaMask = NewType("TwoThetaMask", Callable | None) """TwoThetaMask is a callable that returns a mask for a given TwoThetaData.""" WavelengthMask = NewType("WavelengthMask", Callable | None) """WavelengthMask is a callable that returns a mask for a given WavelengthData.""" CIFAuthors = NewType('CIFAuthors', list[cif.Author]) """List of authors to save to output CIF files.""" ReducedTofCIF = NewType('ReducedTofCIF', cif.CIF) """Reduced data in time-of-flight, ready to be saved to a CIF file.""" del sc, sciline, NewType, TypeVar