Source code for ess.powder.conversion

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
Coordinate transformations for powder diffraction.

import numpy as np
import sciline as sl
import scipp as sc
import scippneutron as scn

from ess.reduce import time_of_flight

from .calibration import OutputCalibrationData
from .correction import merge_calibration
from .logging import get_logger
from .types import (

def _dspacing_from_diff_calibration_generic_impl(t, t0, a, c):
    This function implements the solution to
      t = a * d^2 + c * d + t0
    for a != 0.
    It uses the following way of expressing the solution with an order of operations
    that is optimized for low memory usage.
      d = (sqrt([x-t0+t] / x) - 1) * c / (2a)
      x = c^2 / (4a)
    x = c**2 / (4 * a)
    out = (x - t0) + t
    out /= x
    del x
    sc.sqrt(out, out=out)
    out -= 1
    out *= c / (2 * a)
    return out

def _dspacing_from_diff_calibration_a0_impl(t, t0, c):
    This function implements the solution to
      t = a * d^2 + c * d + t0
    for a == 0.
    out = t - t0
    out /= c
    return out

def _dspacing_from_diff_calibration(
    tof: sc.Variable,
    tzero: sc.Variable,
    difa: sc.Variable,
    difc: sc.Variable,
    _tag_positions_consumed: sc.Variable,
) -> sc.Variable:
    Compute d-spacing from calibration parameters.

    d-spacing is the positive solution of

    .. math:: \mathsf{tof} = \mathsf{DIFA} * d^2 + \mathsf{DIFC} * d + t_0

    This function can be used with :func:`scipp.transform_coords`.

    See Also
    if sc.all(difa == sc.scalar(0.0, unit=difa.unit)).value:
        return _dspacing_from_diff_calibration_a0_impl(tof, tzero, difc)
    return _dspacing_from_diff_calibration_generic_impl(tof, tzero, difa, difc)

def _consume_positions(position, sample_position, source_position):
    _ = position
    _ = sample_position
    _ = source_position
    return sc.scalar(0)

[docs] def to_dspacing_with_calibration( data: sc.DataArray, calibration: sc.Dataset, ) -> sc.DataArray: """ Transform coordinates to d-spacing from calibration parameters. Computes d-spacing from time-of-flight stored in `data`. Attention --------- `data` may have a wavelength coordinate and dimension, but those are discarded. Only the stored time-of-flight is used, that is, any modifications to the wavelength coordinate after it was computed from time-of-flight are lost. Raises ------ KeyError If `data` does not contain a 'tof' coordinate. Parameters ---------- data: Input data in tof or wavelength dimension. Must have a tof coordinate. calibration: Calibration data. Returns ------- : A DataArray with the same data as the input and a 'dspacing' coordinate. See Also -------- ess.powder.conversions.dspacing_from_diff_calibration """ out = merge_calibration(into=data, calibration=calibration) out = _restore_tof_if_in_wavelength(out) graph = {"dspacing": _dspacing_from_diff_calibration} # `_dspacing_from_diff_calibration` does not need positions but conceptually, # the conversion maps from positions to d-spacing. # The mechanism with `_tag_positions_consumed` is meant to ensure that, # if positions are present, they are consumed (mad unaligned or dropped) # by the coordinate transform similarly to `to_dspacing_with_positions`. if "position" in out.coords or ( out.bins is not None and "position" in out.bins.coords ): graph["_tag_positions_consumed"] = _consume_positions else: graph["_tag_positions_consumed"] = lambda: sc.scalar(0) out = out.transform_coords("dspacing", graph=graph, keep_intermediate=False) out.coords.pop("_tag_positions_consumed", None) return DspacingData[RunType](out)
[docs] def powder_coordinate_transformation_graph() -> ElasticCoordTransformGraph: """ Generate a coordinate transformation graph for powder diffraction. Returns ------- : A dictionary with the graph for the transformation. """ return ElasticCoordTransformGraph( { **scn.conversion.graph.beamline.beamline(scatter=True), **scn.conversion.graph.tof.elastic("tof"), } )
def _restore_tof_if_in_wavelength(data: sc.DataArray) -> sc.DataArray: out = data.copy(deep=False) outer = out.coords.pop("wavelength", None) if out.bins is not None: binned = out.bins.coords.pop("wavelength", None) else: binned = None if outer is not None or binned is not None: get_logger().info("Discarded coordinate 'wavelength' in favor of 'tof'.") if "wavelength" in out.dims: out = out.rename_dims(wavelength="tof") return out
[docs] def add_scattering_coordinates_from_positions( data: FilteredData[RunType], graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph ) -> DataWithScatteringCoordinates[RunType]: """ Add ``wavelength`` and ``two_theta`` coordinates to the data. The input ``data`` must have a ``tof`` coordinate, as well as the necessary positions of the beamline components (source, sample, detectors) to compute the scattering coordinates. Parameters ---------- data: Input data with a ``tof`` coordinate. graph: Coordinate transformation graph. """ out = data.transform_coords( ["two_theta", "wavelength", "Ltotal"], graph=graph, keep_intermediate=False, ) return DataWithScatteringCoordinates[RunType](out)
[docs] def convert_to_dspacing( data: MaskedData[RunType], graph: ElasticCoordTransformGraph, calibration: CalibrationData, ) -> DspacingData[RunType]: if calibration is None: out = data.transform_coords(["dspacing"], graph=graph, keep_intermediate=False) else: out = to_dspacing_with_calibration(data, calibration=calibration) for key in ("wavelength", "two_theta"): if key in out.coords.keys(): out.coords.set_aligned(key, False) out.bins.coords.pop("tof", None) out.bins.coords.pop("wavelength", None) return DspacingData[RunType](out)
[docs] def convert_reduced_to_tof( data: IofDspacing, calibration: OutputCalibrationData ) -> IofTof: return IofTof( data.transform_coords(tof=calibration.d_to_tof_transformer(), keep_inputs=False) )
[docs] def build_tof_lookup_table( simulation: SimulationResults, ltotal_range: LtotalRange, pulse_period: PulsePeriod, pulse_stride: PulseStride, pulse_stride_offset: PulseStrideOffset, distance_resolution: DistanceResolution, time_resolution: TimeResolution, error_threshold: LookupTableRelativeErrorThreshold, ) -> TimeOfFlightLookupTable: wf = sl.Pipeline( time_of_flight.providers(), params=time_of_flight.default_parameters() ) wf[time_of_flight.SimulationResults] = simulation wf[time_of_flight.LtotalRange] = ltotal_range wf[time_of_flight.PulsePeriod] = pulse_period wf[time_of_flight.PulseStride] = pulse_stride wf[time_of_flight.PulseStrideOffset] = pulse_stride_offset wf[time_of_flight.DistanceResolution] = distance_resolution wf[time_of_flight.TimeResolution] = time_resolution wf[time_of_flight.LookupTableRelativeErrorThreshold] = error_threshold return wf.compute(time_of_flight.TimeOfFlightLookupTable)
[docs] def load_tof_lookup_table( filename: TimeOfFlightLookupTableFilename, ) -> TimeOfFlightLookupTable: return TimeOfFlightLookupTable(
[docs] def compute_detector_time_of_flight( detector_data: DetectorData[RunType], lookup: TimeOfFlightLookupTable, ltotal: DetectorLtotal[RunType], pulse_period: PulsePeriod, pulse_stride: PulseStride, pulse_stride_offset: PulseStrideOffset, ) -> TofData[RunType]: wf = sl.Pipeline( time_of_flight.providers(), params=time_of_flight.default_parameters() ) wf[time_of_flight.RawData] = detector_data wf[time_of_flight.TimeOfFlightLookupTable] = lookup wf[time_of_flight.Ltotal] = ltotal wf[time_of_flight.PulsePeriod] = pulse_period wf[time_of_flight.PulseStride] = pulse_stride wf[time_of_flight.PulseStrideOffset] = pulse_stride_offset return TofData[RunType](wf.compute(time_of_flight.TofData))
[docs] def compute_monitor_time_of_flight( monitor: MonitorData[RunType, MonitorType], lookup: TimeOfFlightLookupTable, ltotal: MonitorLtotal[RunType, MonitorType], pulse_period: PulsePeriod, pulse_stride: PulseStride, pulse_stride_offset: PulseStrideOffset, ) -> TofMonitorData[RunType, MonitorType]: wf = sl.Pipeline( time_of_flight.providers(), params=time_of_flight.default_parameters() ) wf.insert(time_of_flight.resample_tof_data) wf[time_of_flight.RawData] = monitor wf[time_of_flight.TimeOfFlightLookupTable] = lookup wf[time_of_flight.Ltotal] = ltotal wf[time_of_flight.PulsePeriod] = pulse_period wf[time_of_flight.PulseStride] = pulse_stride wf[time_of_flight.PulseStrideOffset] = pulse_stride_offset out = wf.compute(time_of_flight.ResampledTofData) inds = out.values == 0.0 out.values[inds] = np.nan return TofMonitorData[RunType, MonitorType](out)
[docs] def convert_monitor_to_wavelength( monitor: TofMonitorData[RunType, MonitorType], ) -> WavelengthMonitor[RunType, MonitorType]: graph = { **scn.conversion.graph.beamline.beamline(scatter=False), **scn.conversion.graph.tof.elastic("tof"), } return WavelengthMonitor[RunType, MonitorType]( monitor.transform_coords("wavelength", graph=graph, keep_intermediate=False) )
providers = ( powder_coordinate_transformation_graph, add_scattering_coordinates_from_positions, convert_to_dspacing, convert_reduced_to_tof, convert_monitor_to_wavelength, compute_detector_time_of_flight, compute_monitor_time_of_flight, load_tof_lookup_table, )