# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2024 Scipp contributors (https://github.com/scipp)
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
import sciline
import scipp as sc
import scippnexus as snx
from ess.powder import providers as powder_providers
from ess.powder import with_pixel_mask_filenames
from ess.powder.correction import (
from ess.powder.types import (
CaveMonitorPosition, # Should this be a DREAM-only parameter?
from ess.reduce.parameter import parameter_mappers
from ess.reduce.workflow import register_workflow
from .io.cif import CIFAuthors, prepare_reduced_tof_cif
from .io.geant4 import LoadGeant4Workflow
from .parameters import typical_outputs
_dream_providers = (prepare_reduced_tof_cif,)
parameter_mappers[PixelMaskFilename] = with_pixel_mask_filenames
def default_parameters() -> dict:
# Quantities not available in the simulated data
sample_position = sc.vector([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], unit="mm")
source_position = sc.vector([-3.478, 0.0, -76550], unit="mm")
charge = sc.scalar(1.0, unit="µAh")
return {
Position[snx.NXsample, SampleRun]: sample_position,
Position[snx.NXsample, VanadiumRun]: sample_position,
Position[snx.NXsource, SampleRun]: source_position,
Position[snx.NXsource, VanadiumRun]: source_position,
AccumulatedProtonCharge[SampleRun]: charge,
AccumulatedProtonCharge[VanadiumRun]: charge,
CIFAuthors: CIFAuthors([]),
TofMask: None,
WavelengthMask: None,
TwoThetaMask: None,
CaveMonitorPosition: sc.vector([0.0, 0.0, -4220.0], unit='mm'),
def DreamGeant4Workflow(*, run_norm: RunNormalization) -> sciline.Pipeline:
Workflow with default parameters for the Dream Geant4 simulation.
wf = LoadGeant4Workflow()
for provider in itertools.chain(powder_providers, _dream_providers):
insert_run_normalization(wf, run_norm)
for key, value in default_parameters().items():
wf[key] = value
wf.typical_outputs = typical_outputs
return wf
def DreamGeant4MonitorHistogramWorkflow() -> sciline.Pipeline:
Workflow with default parameters for the Dream Geant4 simulation, using a
histogrammed monitor for the normalization.
return DreamGeant4Workflow(run_norm=RunNormalization.monitor_histogram)
def DreamGeant4MonitorIntegratedWorkflow() -> sciline.Pipeline:
Workflow with default parameters for the Dream Geant4 simulation, using
integrated counts of the monitor for the normalization.
return DreamGeant4Workflow(run_norm=RunNormalization.monitor_integrated)
def DreamGeant4ProtonChargeWorkflow() -> sciline.Pipeline:
Workflow with default parameters for the Dream Geant4 simulation, using
proton charge for the normalization.
return DreamGeant4Workflow(run_norm=RunNormalization.proton_charge)
__all__ = [