Getting Started

Getting the source code

To get a copy of the code, you need to clone the git repository (either via SSH or HTTPS) from GitHub. Once you have done this, go inside the top-level folder of the repository.

cd ess

Creating a development environment

To install all non-optional dependencies for a complete development environment, we recommend creating a conda environment from a generated ess-developer.yml file. We use the tools/ script to merge the dependencies in the conda/meta.yaml and developer-extra.yml files into a single ess-developer.yml file.

python tools/ --dir=conda --env-file=ess-developer.yml \
  --channels=conda-forge,scipp,mantid --merge-with=developer-extra.yml
conda env create -f ess-developer.yml
conda activate ess-developer

Once you have activated the environment, you want to pip install it locally using

python -m pip install -e .

Running the unit tests

To run the unit tests, simply

cd tests/
python -m pytest

Building Documentation

To build the documentation:

cd docs
sphinx-build -b html . build

This will build the documentation inside the docs/build folder. If rebuilding the documentation is slow it can be quicker to remove the docs build directory and start a fresh build.