Data Streaming#

The data streaming interface provides access to data in the ESS data streaming system. The functionality is included in scippneutron rather than the facility-specific ess library as the same system is also used to varying extents at other neutron sources including ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, SINQ: The Swiss Spallation Neutron Source, and ANSTO: Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering.

Apache Kafka#

The ESS data streaming system is based on the Apache Kafka data streaming platform. The basic terminology used in the scippneutron codebase is described here, but the introductory documentation at is well worth 5-10 minutes of your time.

Apache Kafka is a publish-subscribe system for passing data over the network. A producer client publishes data to a named data stream, a topic, on a Kafka server, a broker. Kafka brokers are usually deployed as a cluster to increase the data throughput they can support and also provide data and service redundancy in case a broker goes down due to failure or to be updated etc. Consumer clients subscribe to data on one or more topics.

On the brokers messages received from producers are written to disk in one or more log files per topic. These log files are called partitions. The position of each message in the partition is called the offset. Messages older than a configurable time are deleted, so the first available offset in each partition may not be 0. Consumers have control over what offset they read from, so they can start consuming the stream from the oldest available message, the latest message, or at from the next available message after a specified time.

Many libraries are available for the Client API; to implement producer and consumer applications. In scippneutron we use confluent-kafka-python which is based on a high performance C implementation librdkafka.

Note, messages published to Kafka are often called events, but this terminology is avoided in scippneutron as we usually use this term for “neutron detection events” specifically.


  • Topic - a named data stream

  • Partition - a log file, one or more per topic

  • Offset - the position of a message in a partition

  • Broker - Kafka server, usually deployed as a cluster

  • Consumer - a client application which subscribes to data on Kafka

  • Producer - a client application which publishes data to Kafka


Kafka does not dictate how data are serialized to be transmitted in a message over the network. The ESS streaming system uses FlatBuffers for serialization. Data to be serialized with FlatBuffers are described by an IDL schema, the FlatBuffer compiler flatc can be used to generate code from the schema which provides a builder class with which to construct the serialized buffer, as well as methods to extract data from the buffer.

Each type of data, for example neutron detection events, sample environment measurement, experiment run start event, etc has an associated FlatBuffer schema. These are stored in a repository ess-dmsc/streaming-data-types. The ESS has also developed a Python library to provide a convenient “serialize” and “deserialize” method for each schema ess-dmsc/python-streaming-data-types, this is available as a conda package

Each schema file defines a file_identifier, which comprises 4 characters. These are the first 4 bytes in the serialized buffer. It is ESS convention to also use these 4 characters in the schema filename and the module name in the streaming-data-types python library. If breaking changes are made to a schema, such as changing field names or removing fields, then a new file_identifier is defined.

Below is a list of the FlatBuffers schemas used by scipp, along with a few informative notes on each schema.


Name / link


Run start message


  • nexus_structure: contains any information known at the start of the run (e.g. the instrument geometry)

Run stop message


  • job_id must be the same as in the run start message

Event data


  • All quantities are in units of nanoseconds, including time-of-flight

  • source_name: used to filter what data to get, as Kafka may hold data from other instruments

Slow metadata


  • This is typically used for PV updates

  • The format is usually just a timestamp and a value

Fast metadata


  • Used for fast-changing sample environment values

  • In this case, the information is sent directly to Kafka instead of going via Epics

  • It mostly resembles the slow metadata with a timestamp and a value

Chopper timestamps


  • Chopper timestamps are handled differently from other metadata as their structure is slightly different

  • They consist of timestamps, with no associated value

It may be worth noting that we have found extracting data from serialized FlatBuffers in Python to be efficient, but serializing can be much more efficient in C++, particularly if serializing a large number of small buffers.


The interface to streamed data is scippneutron.data_stream() and is an asynchronous generator. It is run like this

async def stream_func():
    async for data in data_stream(*args):

streaming_task = asyncio.create_task(stream_func())

Each chunk of data yielded by data_stream contains the data collected from the streaming system during the configurable time interval since the previous chunk was yielded. Each data chunk is a DataArray of neutron detection events of the same format that is obtained by loading a NeXus file with load_nexus. The DataArray has detection event weights as value, these are always 1 for data from the streaming system, coordinates of tof, detector_id and pulse_time and metadata logs as attributes. Metadata logs are each themselves a DataArray with a time coordinate. The logs are each nested in a Variable as they do not share coordinates with each other or the event data. It is up to the user to concatenate data from the stream if they wish to accumulate events. This will consume memory rapidly for instruments with high event detection rates so perhaps a more likely scenario is for the user to do a reduction workflow step in the data_stream loop and accumulate the result, for example sum a histogram.

The architecture of the implementation under data_stream() is sketched in the following diagram.


data_stream has a Kafka topic argument in which to find “run start” messages. It looks for the last available run start message. The message contains some data known at the start of an experiment run, for example instrument geometry. These data are yielded from the generator as the first chunk of streamed data, as a DataArray in the same format as subsequent chunks. The run start message also contains details of all the other data sources important to the experiment and where to find their data on Kafka. This information is passed to the data_consumption_manager() which is started in a separate multiprocessing.Process.

data_consumption_manager() creates a StreamedDataBuffer which comprises buffers for data from each data source known about from the run start message. data_consumption_manager() also creates a KafkaConsumer for each partition in each Kafka topic associated with the data sources. It starts a threading.Thread in each KafkaConsumer which polls the consumer’s internal queue. If any data have been collected by the consumer they are passed to the buffer via a callback function. It also starts a threading.Thread in the buffer which periodically puts all all data collected in the buffer as a single DataArray into a multiprocessing.Queue for the data_stream generator to yield. The buffer is responsible for checking the flatbuffer id of each message it receives from the consumers, deserializing the message, checking the source name matches a data source named in the run start message, and if so adding the data to the buffer. If a single message exceeds the buffer size a warning is issued to the user and the data is skipped. If multiple messages arrive which collectively exceed the buffer size before the buffer has put its data on the queue and reset, then the buffer puts its data on the queue early.

data_consumption_manager() is also responsible for stopping the StreamedDataBuffer thread and all KafkaConsumer threads to stop when it receives a stop event in a multiprocessing.Queue shared with data_stream. This allows everything in the data consumption process to be cleanly stopped at a request from the main, notebook, process.

A note on the choice of using threading.Thread, multiprocessing.Process and asyncio:

asyncio and threading each provide concurrency but not parallelism. threading was the most simple approach to run loops polling the consumer buffers. asyncio provides a convenient way to allow data_stream to run while retaining interactivity of plots in the notebook. It makes use of the same asyncio event loop which the matplotlib nbagg backend uses. multiprocessing.Process allows us to move most of the work of consuming and aggregating the data in scipp datastructures onto a different CPU core to the one being used for updating plots etc in the notebook.

Unit Testing#

For unit tests it would be convenient to use a fake consumer object in place of KafkaConsumer instances. However, any input arguments or variables passed via the queue to the mp.Process must be pickleable or mp.Queue. This makes dependency injection difficult. To get around this an enum can be passed via data_stream to the data_consumption_manager to tell it to create instances of FakeConsumer instead of KafkaConsumer, additionally an mp.Queue can be provided and is passed to the FakeConsumer. The FakeConsumer simply polls for messages on the queue instead of Kafka, thus allowing the test to provide the messages. There is no other configuration of FakeConsumer possible or necessary.


Manual Testing#

Testing the full, real implementation, of scippneutron’s interface to the streaming system requires running a Kafka server and populating it with neutron data. The most convenient way to do this on a developer machine is to use docker containers.


Install Docker Engine on your system. If on Linux, do not forget to add your user to the “docker” group, see documentation. Install the docker-compose conda package.

Run Test#

To start up a Kafka broker navigate to the docs/developer/data_stream directory and run

docker-compose up

Ctrl+C cleanly stops the running containers when you are done.

To populate Kafka with data the NeXus Streamer tool can be used. This is available as a conda package Run it from the conda environment and point it at a NeXus file, for example for the AMOR instrument

nexus_streamer --broker localhost --instrument AMOR --filename /path/to/nexus/file/amor.nxs -s -z

see readme or use --help for an explanation of the args.

If you are in doubt whether data has reached Kafka you may want to use the kafkacow command line tool to query the Kafka server, see installation instructions.

For example, to check data topics on the Kafka server

kafkacow -L -b localhost

you should see output something like this

1 brokers:
   broker 1 at

10 topics:
   "AMOR_sampleEnv" with 1 partitions:
        partition   0  |  Low offset:      0  |  High offset: 295782 |  leader:  1 |  replicas: 1,  |  isrs: 1,
   "AMOR_events" with 1 partitions:
        partition   0  |  Low offset:      0  |  High offset:   6271 |  leader:  1 |  replicas: 1,  |  isrs: 1,

and you can view the event data with

kafkacow -C -b localhost -t AMOR_events


Mon 12-Apr-2021 13:30:56.903  ||  2021-04-12T13:30:56.903

Timestamp: 1618234256903 || PartitionID:     0 || Offset:    1150 || File Identifier: ev42 ||
  detector_id: [     61985     62379     62126     ... truncated 756 elements ...     120485   ]
  message_id: 1149
  pulse_time: 1618234368838996887
  source_name: NeXus-Streamer
  time_of_flight: [     12379936     14495801     14658190     ... truncated 756 elements ...     36832880   ]

Try using scippneutron.data_stream, for example

import scipp as sc
import numpy as np

plot_data = sc.zeros(dims=("y", "x"), shape=(288, 32), dtype=np.int32)  # float64
det_plot = sc.plot(plot_data, vmax=1000)
import asyncio
import scippneutron as scn
from scippneutron.data_streaming.data_stream import StartTime

async def my_stream_func():
    detector_ids = sc.Variable(dims=["detector_id"],
    async for data in scn.data_stream('localhost:9092',
                                      interval=2. * sc.units.s):
        events = sc.bin(data, groups=[detector_ids])
        counts = events.bins.sum()
        if "tof" in counts.dims:
            counts = counts["tof", 0].copy()
        plot_data.values = plot_data.values + sc.fold(sc.flatten(counts, to="detector_id"), dim='detector_id', sizes={'y': 288, 'x': 32}).values

streaming_task = asyncio.create_task(my_stream_func())

If it is being used in a notebook, data_stream can be stopped by pressing the stop button in the widget. As stop_time=StopTime.END_OF_RUN has been specified it will automatically stop when it reaches the end of the data run published by the NeXus Streamer.

Clean Up#

After you are done testing you can clean up the containers and free up used disk space by running

docker rm -v data_stream_producer_1
docker rm -v data_stream_kafka_1