Source code for scippneutron.conversion.graph.beamline

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (
# @author Jan-Lukas Wynen
"""Graphs for computing beamline parameters from positions.

See :mod:`scippneutron.conversion.beamline` for definitions
of the quantities used here.

from import Callable

from .. import beamline as _kernels

Graph = dict[str, Callable]

[docs] def incident_beam() -> Graph: """Graph for computing 'incident_beam'. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ return {'incident_beam': _kernels.straight_incident_beam}
[docs] def scattered_beam() -> Graph: """Graph for computing 'scattered_beam'. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ return {'scattered_beam': _kernels.straight_scattered_beam}
[docs] def two_theta() -> Graph: """Graph for computing the scattering angle 'two_theta'. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ graph = beamline(scatter=True) for node in ['L1', 'L2', 'Ltotal']: del graph[node] return graph
[docs] def L1() -> Graph: """Graph for computing the primary path length 'L1'. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ return {'incident_beam': _kernels.straight_incident_beam, 'L1': _kernels.L1}
[docs] def L2() -> Graph: """Graph for computing the secondary path length 'L2'. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ return {'scattered_beam': _kernels.straight_scattered_beam, 'L2': _kernels.L2}
[docs] def Ltotal(scatter: bool) -> Graph: """Graph for computing 'Ltotal'. Parameters ---------- scatter: If True, a graph for scattering from ``sample_position`` is returned, else a graph without scattering. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ graph = beamline(scatter=scatter) if not scatter: return graph del graph['two_theta'] return graph
_NO_SCATTER_GRAPH_BEAMLINE = { 'Ltotal': _kernels.total_straight_beam_length_no_scatter, } _SCATTER_GRAPH_BEAMLINE = { 'incident_beam': _kernels.straight_incident_beam, 'scattered_beam': _kernels.straight_scattered_beam, 'L1': _kernels.L1, 'L2': _kernels.L2, 'two_theta': _kernels.two_theta, 'Ltotal': _kernels.total_beam_length, }
[docs] def beamline(scatter: bool) -> Graph: """Graph defining a straight beamline geometry. This can be used as part of transformation graphs that require, e.g., scattering angles (``two_theta``) or flight path lengths (``L1`` and ``L2``). Parameters ---------- scatter: If True, a graph for scattering from ``sample_position`` is returned, else a graph without scattering. Returns ------- : A dict defining a coordinate transformation graph. """ if scatter: return dict(_SCATTER_GRAPH_BEAMLINE) else: return dict(_NO_SCATTER_GRAPH_BEAMLINE)