Coding conventions#

Code formatting#

There are no explicit code formatting conventions since we use ruff to enforce a format.

Docstring format#

We use the NumPy docstring format. We use sphinx-autodocs-typehints to automatically insert type hints into the docstrings. Our format thus deviates from the default NumPy example given by the link above. Docstrings should therefore be laid out as follows, including spacing and punctuation:

def foo(x: int, y: float) -> float:
    """Short description.

    Long description.

    With multiple paragraphs.

    Be careful!

        First input.
        Second input.

        The result.

        If the input is bad.
        If some lookup failed.

    See Also
        A bit less foo.

    This is how to use it:

      >>> foo(1, 2)

    And also:

      >>> foo(1, 3)

The order of sections is fixed as shown in the example.

  • Short description (required) A single sentence describing the purpose of the function / class.

  • Long description (optional) One or more paragraphs of detailed explanations. Can include additional sections like Warning or Hint.

  • Parameters (required for functions) List of all function arguments including their name but not their type. Listing arguments like this can seem ridiculous if the explanation is as devoid of content as in the example. But it is still required in order for sphinx to show the types.

  • Returns (required for functions) Description of the return value. Required for the same reason as the parameter list.

    For a single return value, neither a name nor type should be given. But a colon is required as in the example above in order to produce proper formatting.

    For multiple return values, to produce proper formatting, both name and type must be given even though the latter repeats the type annotation:

    n: int
        The first return value.
    z: float
        The second return value.
  • Raises (optional) We generally do not document what exceptions can be raised from a function. But if there are some important cases, this section can list those exceptions with an explanation of when the exception is raised. The exception type is required. Note that there are no colons here.

  • See Also (optional) List of related functions and/or classes. The function/class name should include the module it is in but without reST markup. For simple cases, the explanation can be left out. In this case, the colon should be omitted as well and multiple entries must be separated by commas.

  • Examples (optional) Example code given using >>> as the Python prompt. May include text before, after, and between code blocks. Note the spacing in the example.

Some functions can be sufficiently described by a single sentence. In this case, the ‘Parameters’ and ‘Returns’ sections may be omitted and the docstring should be laid out on a single line. If it does not fit on a single line, it is too complicated. For example

def bar(self) -> int:
    """Returns the number of dimensions."""

Note that the argument types are not shown in the rendered documentation.