Creation functions#

array(*, dims, values[, variances, unit, dtype])

Constructs a Variable with given dimensions, containing given values and optional variances.

arange(dim, start[, stop, step, unit, dtype])

Creates a Variable with evenly spaced values within a given interval.

datetime(value, *[, unit])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable with a dtype of datetime64.

datetimes(*, dims, values[, unit])

Constructs an array Variable with a dtype of datetime64.

empty(*[, dims, shape, sizes, unit, dtype, ...])

Constructs a Variable with uninitialized values with given dimension labels and shape.

empty_like(obj, /)

Return a new object with the same dims, shape, unit, and dtype as the input and all elements uninitialized.

epoch(*, unit)

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable with a dtype of datetime64 that contains scipp's epoch.

full(*, value[, variance, dims, shape, ...])

Constructs a Variable with values initialized to the specified value with given dimension labels and shape.

full_like(obj, /, value, *[, variance])

Return a new object with the same dims, shape, unit, and dtype as the input and all elements initialized to the given value.

geomspace(dim, start, stop, num, *[, ...])

Constructs a Variable with values spaced evenly on a log scale (a geometric progression).

index(value, *[, dtype])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable representing an index.

linspace(dim, start, stop, num, *[, ...])

Constructs a Variable with num evenly spaced samples, calculated over the interval [start, stop].

logspace(dim, start, stop, num, *[, ...])

Constructs a Variable with values spaced evenly on a log scale.

matrix(*[, unit])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable holding a single 3x3 matrix.

matrices(*, dims[, unit])

Constructs a Variable with given dimensions holding an array of 3x3 matrices.

ones(*[, dims, shape, sizes, unit, dtype, ...])

Constructs a Variable with values initialized to 1 with given dimension labels and shape.

ones_like(obj, /)

Return a new object with the same dims, shape, unit, and dtype as the input and all elements initialized to 1.

scalar(value, *[, variance, unit, dtype])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable with a unit and optional variance.

vector(value, *[, unit])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable holding a single length-3 vector.

vectors(*, dims, values[, unit])

Constructs a Variable with given dimensions holding an array of length-3 vectors.

zeros(*[, dims, shape, sizes, unit, dtype, ...])

Constructs a Variable with default initialized values with given dimension labels and shape.

zeros_like(obj, /)

Return a new object with the same dims, shape, unit, and dtype as the input and all elements initialized to 0.