
class scipp.Variable#

Array of values with dimension labels and a unit, optionally including an array of variances.

__init__(self: scipp._scipp.core.Variable, *, dims: object, values: object = None, variances: object = None, unit: Union[str, scipp._scipp.core.Unit, None, scipp._scipp.core.DefaultUnit] = <automatically deduced unit>, dtype: object = None) None#

Initialize a variable with values and/or variances.

At least one argument of values and variances must be used. if you want to preallocate memory to fill later, use scipp.empty().


This constructor is meant primarily for internal use. Use one of the Specialized creation functions instead. See in particular scipp.array() and scipp.scalar().

  • dims – Dimension labels.

  • values – Sequence of values for constructing an array variable.

  • variances – Sequence of variances for constructing an array variable.

  • unit – Physical unit, defaults to scipp.units.dimensionless.

  • dtype – Type of the variable’s elements. Is deduced from other arguments in most cases. Defaults to sc.DType.float64 if no deduction is possible.


__init__(self, *, dims, values, variances, ...)

Initialize a variable with values and/or variances.


Logical AND over input values.


Logical OR over input values.

astype(self, type, *[, copy])

Converts a Variable or DataArray to a different dtype.

broadcast([dims, shape, sizes])

Broadcast a Variable or a DataArray.

ceil(*[, out])

Round up to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.

copy(self[, deep])

Return a (by default deep) copy.

cumsum([dim, mode])

Return the cumulative sum along the specified dimension.

flatten([dims, to])

Flatten multiple dimensions into a single dimension.

floor(*[, out])

Round down to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.

fold(dim[, sizes, dims, shape])

Fold a single dimension of a variable or data array into multiple dims.


Maximum of elements in the input.


Arithmetic mean of elements in the input.


Minimum of elements in the input.


Maximum of elements in the input ignoring NaN's.


Arithmetic mean of elements in the input ignoring NaN's.


Minimum of elements in the input ignoring NaN's.


Sum of elements in the input ignoring NaN's.


Plot a Scipp object.


Rename dimension labels.

rename_dims(self, dims_dict, /)

Rename dimensions.

round(*[, out])

Round to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.


Remove dimensions of length 1.


Sum of elements in the input.

to(*[, unit, dtype, copy])

Converts a Variable or DataArray to a different dtype and/or a different unit.


Writes object out to file in hdf5 format.


Transpose dimensions of the input.




Returns helper scipp.Bins allowing bin-wise operations to be performed or None if not binned data.


The only dimension label for 1-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 1-dimensional.


Dimension labels of the data (read-only).


Data type contained in the variable.


Provides access to fields of structured types such as vectors or matrices.


Number of dimensions of the data (read-only).


Shape of the data (read-only).


dict mapping dimension labels to dimension sizes (read-only).


Physical unit of the data.


The only value for 0-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 0-dimensional.


Array of values of the data.


The only variance for 0-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 0-dimensional.


Array of variances of the data.


Logical AND over input values.


Details in scipp.all()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Logical OR over input values.


Details in scipp.any()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

astype(self: scipp._scipp.core.Variable, type: object, *, copy: bool = True) scipp._scipp.core.Variable#

Converts a Variable or DataArray to a different dtype.

If the dtype is unchanged and copy is False, the object is returned without making a deep copy.

  • type – Target dtype.

  • copy – If False, return the input object if possible. If True, the function always returns a new object.


If the data cannot be converted to the requested dtype.


New variable or data array with specified dtype.

Return type

Union[scipp.Variable, scipp.DataArray]

property bins#

Returns helper scipp.Bins allowing bin-wise operations to be performed or None if not binned data.

broadcast(dims=None, shape=None, sizes=None)#

Broadcast a Variable or a DataArray.


Details in scipp.broadcast()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

ceil(*, out=None)#

Round up to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.


Details in scipp.ceil()

Return type

Union[Variable, DataArray, Dataset]

copy(self: scipp._scipp.core.Variable, deep: bool = True) scipp._scipp.core.Variable#

Return a (by default deep) copy.

If deep=True (the default), a deep copy is made. Otherwise, a shallow copy is made, and the returned data (and meta data) values are new views of the data and meta data values of this object.

cumsum(dim=None, mode='inclusive')#

Return the cumulative sum along the specified dimension.


Details in scipp.cumsum()

Return type


property dim#

The only dimension label for 1-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 1-dimensional.

property dims#

Dimension labels of the data (read-only).

property dtype#

Data type contained in the variable.

property fields#

Provides access to fields of structured types such as vectors or matrices.

flatten(dims=None, to=None)#

Flatten multiple dimensions into a single dimension.


Details in scipp.flatten()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

floor(*, out=None)#

Round down to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.


Details in scipp.floor()

Return type

Union[Variable, DataArray, Dataset]

fold(dim, sizes=None, dims=None, shape=None)#

Fold a single dimension of a variable or data array into multiple dims.


Details in scipp.fold()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Maximum of elements in the input.


Details in scipp.max()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Arithmetic mean of elements in the input.


Details in scipp.mean()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Minimum of elements in the input.


Details in scipp.min()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Maximum of elements in the input ignoring NaN’s.


Details in scipp.nanmax()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Arithmetic mean of elements in the input ignoring NaN’s.


Details in scipp.nanmean()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Minimum of elements in the input ignoring NaN’s.


Details in scipp.nanmin()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Sum of elements in the input ignoring NaN’s.


Details in scipp.nansum()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

property ndim#

Number of dimensions of the data (read-only).


Plot a Scipp object.

Possible inputs are: - Variable - DataArray - Dataset - dict of Variables - dict of DataArrays

For more details, see

  • aspect (str, optional) – Specify the aspect ratio for 2d images. Possible values are “auto” or “equal”. Defaults to “auto”.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Attach returned plot to supplied Matplotlib axes (1d and 2d only). Defaults to None.

  • labels (dict, optional) – Dict specifying which coordinate should be used to label the tics for a dimension. If not specifified the dimension coordinate is used. labels={“time”: “time-labels”}. Defaults to None.

  • camera (dict, optional) – Dict configuring the camera. Valid entries are ‘position’ and ‘look_at’. This option is valid only for 3-D scatter plots. The ‘position’ entry defines the position of the camera and the ‘look_at’ entry defines the point the camera is looking at. Both must be variables containing a single vector with the correct unit, i.e., a unit compatible with the unit of the scatter point positions. Defaults to None, in which case the camera looks at the center of the cloud of plotted points.

  • cax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Attach colorbar to supplied Matplotlib axes. Defaults to None.

  • cmap (str, optional) – Matplotlib colormap (2d and 3d only). See Defaults to None.

  • color (str, optional) – Matplotlib line color (1d only). See Defaults to None.

  • errorbars (str or dict, optional) – Show errorbars if True, hide them if False (1d only). Defaults to True. This can also be a dict of bool where the keys correspond to data entries.

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – The size of the figure in inches (1d and 2d only). See Defaults to None.

  • filename (str, optional) – If specified, the figure will be saved to disk. Possible file extensions are .jpg, .png and .pdf. The default directory for writing the file is the same as the directory where the script or notebook is running. Defaults to None.

  • grid (bool, optional) – Show grid on axes if True. Defaults to False.

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Matplotlib linestyle (1d only). See Defaults to “none”.

  • marker (str, optional) – Matplotlib line marker (1d only). See Defaults to ‘o’.

  • masks (dict, optional) – A dict to hold display parameters for masks such as a color or a cmap. Defaults to None.

  • norm (str, optional) – Normalization of the data. Possible choices are “linear” and “log”. Defaults to “linear”.

  • pax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – Attach profile plot to supplied Matplotlib axes. Defaults to None.

  • pixel_size (float, optional) – Specify the size of the pixels to be used for the point cloud (3d only). If none is supplied, the size is guessed based on the extents of the data in the 3d space. Defaults to None.

  • positions (Variable, optional) – Specify an array of position vectors to be used as scatter points positions (3d only). Defaults to None.

  • projection (str, optional) – Specify the projection to be used. Possible choices are “1d”, “2d”, or “3d”. Defaults to “2d” if the number of dimensions of the input is >= 2.

  • resampling_mode (str, optional) – Resampling mode. Possible choices are “sum” and “mean”. This applies only to binned event data and non-1d data. Defaults to “mean” unless the unit is ‘counts’ or ‘dimensionless’.

  • scale (dict, optional) – Specify the scale (“linear” or “log”) for a displayed dimension axis. E.g. scale={“tof”: “log”}. Defaults to None.

  • vmin (float, optional) – Minimum value for the y-axis (1d) or colorscale (2d and 3d). Defaults to None.

  • vmax (float, optional) – Maximum value for the y-axis (1d) or colorscale (2d and 3d). Defaults to None.

rename(dims_dict=None, /, **names)#

Rename dimension labels.

The renaming can be defined:

  • using a dict mapping the old to new names, e.g. rename({‘x’: ‘a’, ‘y’: ‘b’})

  • using keyword arguments, e.g. rename(x=’a’, y=’b’)

In both cases, x is renamed to a and y to b.

Dimensions not specified in either input are unchanged.

  • dims_dict (Optional[Dict[str, str]], default: None) – Dictionary mapping old to new names.

  • names (str) – Mapping of old to new names as keyword arguments.


Variable – A new variable with renamed dimensions which shares a buffer with the input.

rename_dims(self: scipp._scipp.core.Variable, dims_dict: Dict[str, str], /) scipp._scipp.core.Variable#

Rename dimensions.

round(*, out=None)#

Round to the nearest integer of all values passed in x.


Details in scipp.round()

Return type

Union[Variable, DataArray, Dataset]

property shape#

Shape of the data (read-only).

property sizes#

dict mapping dimension labels to dimension sizes (read-only).


Remove dimensions of length 1.


Details in scipp.squeeze()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)


Sum of elements in the input.


Details in scipp.sum()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

to(*, unit=None, dtype=None, copy=True)#

Converts a Variable or DataArray to a different dtype and/or a different unit.

If the dtype and unit are both unchanged and copy is False, the object is returned without making a deep copy.

This method will choose whether to do the dtype or units translation first, by using the following rules in order:

  • If either the input or output dtype is float64, the unit translation will be done on the float64 type

  • If either the input or output dtype is float32, the unit translation will be done on the float32 type

  • If both the input and output dtypes are integer types, the unit translation will be done on the larger type

  • In other cases, the dtype is converted first and then the unit translation is done

  • unit (Union[Unit, str, None], default: None) – Target unit. If None, the unit is unchanged.

  • dtype (Optional[Any], default: None) – Target dtype. If None, the dtype is unchanged.

  • copy (bool, default: True) – If False, return the input object if possible. If True, the function always returns a new object.


Same as input – New object with specified dtype and unit.


Writes object out to file in hdf5 format.


Transpose dimensions of the input.


Details in scipp.transpose()

Return type

TypeVar(VariableLikeType, Variable, DataArray, Dataset)

underlying_size(self: scipp._scipp.core.Variable) int#
property unit#

Physical unit of the data.

property value#

The only value for 0-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 0-dimensional.

property values#

Array of values of the data.

property variance#

The only variance for 0-dimensional data, raising an exception if the data is not 0-dimensional.

property variances#

Array of variances of the data.