

affine_transform(*[, unit])

Initializes a single affine transformation from the provided affine matrix coefficients.

affine_transforms(*, dims[, unit])

Initializes affine transformations from the provided affine matrix coefficients.

linear_transform(*[, unit])

Constructs a zero dimensional Variable holding a single 3x3 matrix.

linear_transforms(*, dims[, unit])

Constructs a Variable with given dimensions holding an array of 3x3 matrices.

rotation(*, value)

Creates a rotation-type variable from the provided quaternion coefficients.

rotation_as_rotvec(rotation, *[, unit])

Represent a rotation matrix (or matrices) as rotation vector(s).

rotations(*, dims, values)

Creates a rotation-type variable from the provided quaternion coefficients.


Creates rotation transformations from rotation vectors.

scaling_from_vector(*, value)

Creates a scaling transformation from a provided 3-vector.

scalings_from_vectors(*, dims, values)

Creates scaling transformations from corresponding to the provided 3-vectors.

translation(*[, unit])

Creates a translation transformation from a single provided 3-vector.

translations(*, dims[, unit])

Creates translation transformations from multiple 3-vectors.