Multi-Dimensional Indexing


ViewIndex is used by ElementArrayView to access elements of variables both in sequence and in random order. It has the following attributes:

  • m_ndim: Number of dimensions of the view.

  • m_shape: Shape of the view.

  • m_strides: Strides in memory for each dimension.

  • m_delta: Step length in memory for each dimension for incrementing the index.

  • m_memory_index: Flat index into the underlying memory buffer.

  • m_view_index: Flat index according to the view of the memory, differs from m_memory_index in case of slicing or broadcasting.

  • m_coord: Indices for each dimension according to the view.


Internally, arrays are stored such that m_shape[0] corresponds to the fastest-running dimension. MultiIndex works the same way. But all other classes, e.g. Dimensions and Variable, use the reverse storage order.


This section shows how the class attributes are used to increment a ViewIndex. Details on their construction can be found below.

Given an complete view of a memory buffer, the image below shows the state of a ViewIndex after calling ViewIndex::increment(). The numbers in the gray box are indices into memory and arranged according to the shape of the view. The blue box indicates the location that the ViewIndex currently refers to.

The figure also shows the state indicating the end of iteration. The end state is always coord[ndim-1] == shape[ndim-1] and coord[d] == 0 for d < ndim-1.


This is not exactly how ViewIndex is implemented. See the section on Flattening Dimensions below.

Incrementing behavior of ViewIndex on a full view

The behavior is similar on a partial view of the data as shown below. The gray box indicates the view and the black numbers the actual memory locations. Note how View_index advances in a linear fashion and memory_index keeps track of the actual location in memory.

Incrementing behavior of ViewIndex on a partial view

Meaning of delta

ViewIndex uses the special attribute m_delta which is similar to but not the same as strides. delta is the step length per dimension to be used in calls to ViewIndex::increment.

Starting at a) in the figure below, calling increment moves to b) by adding delta[x] to m_memory_index. In the next step, increment moves to element 2 in c) by adding delta[x] again. This is is out of bounds and therefore increment_outer is called which moves to element 3 in d) by adding delta[y] and returns. Skipping some steps, at the end of dimension y going from e) to f), increment calls increment_outer again which first moves to 9 and then 12. Note that states c), f), and g) are only intermediate and not visible from the outside.

We can see that delta[dim] takes a step in direction dim but also rewinds the previous dimension to its beginning. Furthermore, we always start one element past the end of the previous dimension. This means that

if dim == 0:
    delta[dim] = stride[dim]
    delta[dim] = stride[dim] - shape[dim-1] * stride[dim-1]
Illustration of delta

m_strides is strictly speaking redundant given m_delta and m_shape. It is stored nonetheless because it simplifies the implementation of ViewIndex::set_index.

Flattening Dimensions

From a usage perspective, ViewIndex provides a flat view of some memory. We can thus modify the internal shape as long as we preserve the iteration order. This is useful when multiple dimensions are laid out contiguously in memory. This is the case for x and y in the figure below.

Example of flattened contiguous dimensions

ViewIndex uses this by flattening out x and y and internally producing a 2-dimensional view as shown on the right hand side in the figure. This is invisible from the outside but reduces the loop lengths in both ViewIndex::increment and ViewIndex::set_index.

Contiguous layouts are identified by delta[dim] == 0 and strides[dim] != 0 (with dim == y in this case). The condition on strides is required to support broadcasting where the extra dimension needs to be retained.


MultiIndex is used by transform to iterate over all inputs and outputs at the same time. It functions in a similar way to ViewIndex but also supports iteration over multiple variables as well as binned data. The handling of the latter is described in Binned Data.

In contrast to ViewIndex, MultiIndex does not use delta but instead computes the step lengths in the various increment_* functions on the fly from m_strides and m_shape. This is because delta would need to be recomputed for every bin.

MultiIndex::m_data_index corresponds to ViewIndex::m_memory_index. But there is no equivalent of ViewIndex::m_view_index as that is not required by transform.

Similarly to ViewIndex, MultiIndex flattens dimensions during construction but only if the corresponding memory layout is contiguous in all operands. Iteration functions in much the same way as described in Incrementing above.

The image below shows some examples of possible states of MultiIndex (without flattening contiguous dimensions). The left and center case correspond to unary operations and the one to the right to a binary operation with broadcasting in the second operand. Note that there is always one additional operand, e.g. on the left, data_index has two elements, the one listed first is the output Variable.

Example setups of MultiIndex with dense data

Here, ‘∅’ denotes ignored members. Square brackets denote arrays in the number of dimensions and round parentheses denote arrays in the number of operands.

Binned Data

Conceptually, binned data is handled by nesting two MultiIndices, the inner iterates over the contents of a bin, while the outer iterates over bin indices. Every time the outer moves to another bin, it loads the corresponding parameters and initializes the inner index.

In practice, the implementation inlines the inner index into the outer such that m_ndim is the total number of dimensions and arrays like m_shape have elements for both inner and outer dimensions. Dimensions inside the bins come first in those arrays.

The images below show examples of MultiIndex with binned data. Gray boxes denote bin indices and yellow boxes denote bin contents. Arrows show which bins the indices refer to.

The left and center cases show one-dimensional indices with one-dimensional bins. Note how the shape varies between the two cases because a different bin has been loaded (bin.bin_index). Multi-dimensional indices with one-dimensional bins are handled in the same way.

Example setups of MultiIndex with data with 1 dimensional bins

Multi-dimensional bins are more complicated. The image on the left shows bins of a buffer that was sliced in the inner dimension and on the right it has been sliced in the outer dimension. This is indicated by m_nested_dim_index and m_bin_stride is the distance in memory when incrementing m_nested_dim_index.

Example setups of MultiIndex with data with 2 dimensional bins