Source code for plopp.plotting.plot

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright (c) 2023 Scipp contributors (

from functools import partial
from typing import Literal

from scipp import Variable

from ..core.typing import FigureLike, PlottableMulti
from import imagefigure, linefigure
from .common import input_to_nodes, preprocess, raise_multiple_inputs_for_2d_plot_error

[docs] def plot( obj: PlottableMulti, *, aspect: Literal['auto', 'equal', None] = None, cbar: bool = True, coords: list[str] | None = None, errorbars: bool = True, figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, grid: bool = False, ignore_size: bool = False, mask_color: str = 'black', norm: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear', scale: dict[str, str] | None = None, title: str | None = None, vmin: Variable | float | None = None, vmax: Variable | float | None = None, legend: bool | tuple[float, float] = True, **kwargs, ) -> FigureLike: """Plot a Scipp object. Parameters ---------- obj: The object to be plotted. aspect: Aspect ratio for the axes. cbar: Show colorbar in 2d plots if ``True``. coords: If supplied, use these coords instead of the input's dimension coordinates. errorbars: Show errorbars in 1d plots if ``True``. figsize: The width and height of the figure, in inches. grid: Show grid if ``True``. ignore_size: If ``True``, skip the check that prevents the rendering of very large data objects. mask_color: Color of masks in 1d plots. norm: Set to ``'log'`` for a logarithmic y-axis (1d plots) or logarithmic colorscale (2d plots). scale: Change axis scaling between ``log`` and ``linear``. For example, specify ``scale={'tof': 'log'}`` if you want log-scale for the ``tof`` dimension. title: The figure title. vmin: Lower bound for data to be displayed (y-axis for 1d plots, colorscale for 2d plots). vmax: Upper bound for data to be displayed (y-axis for 1d plots, colorscale for 2d plots). legend: Show legend if ``True``. If ``legend`` is a tuple, it should contain the ``(x, y)`` coordinates of the legend's anchor point in axes coordinates. **kwargs: All other kwargs are directly forwarded to Matplotlib, the underlying plotting library. The underlying functions called are the following: - 1d data with a non bin-edge coordinate: ``plot`` - 1d data with a bin-edge coordinate: ``step`` - 2d data: ``pcolormesh`` Returns ------- : A figure. """ common_args = { 'grid': grid, 'norm': norm, 'scale': scale, 'title': title, 'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax, 'figsize': figsize, **kwargs, } nodes = input_to_nodes( obj, processor=partial(preprocess, ignore_size=ignore_size, coords=coords) ) ndims = set() for n in nodes: ndims.add(n().ndim) if len(ndims) > 1: raise ValueError( 'All items given to the plot function must have the same ' f'number of dimensions. Found dimensions {ndims}.' ) ndim = ndims.pop() if ndim == 1: return linefigure( *nodes, errorbars=errorbars, mask_color=mask_color, legend=legend, **common_args, ) elif ndim == 2: if len(nodes) > 1: raise_multiple_inputs_for_2d_plot_error(origin='plot') return imagefigure( *nodes, aspect=aspect, cbar=cbar, **common_args, ) else: raise ValueError( 'The plot function can only plot 1d and 2d data, got input ' f'with {ndim} dimensions' )