ess - Data reduction for ESS instrumentation ============================================ `European Spallation Source`_ (ESS) toolkit for neutron scattering data reduction powered by `scipp`_ and `scippneutron`_. Provides ESS facility and instrument bespoke tools. The ``ess`` module is part of the software stack for data reduction: .. raw:: html :file: images/software-stack.svg - ``scipp``, ``scippneutron``, and ``ess`` are Python packages that can be installed using ``conda``. Each package is released independently. - ``ess-notebooks`` is a ``git`` repository containing Jupyter notebooks with examples and actual reduction workflows. - Higher levels of the stack are optional, and it is absolutely possible to use ``scippneutron`` without ``ess``, or ``ess`` without ``ess-notebooks``. New features may frequently be introduced on the top of the software stack, for example in ``ess-notebooks``. Depending on the feature this may then gradually move to lower levels. This involves a "filtering" process, since scope and contribution guidelines are different the lower the level in the stack. .. _European Spallation Source: .. _scipp: .. _scippneutron: Documentation ============= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Getting started getting-started/installation .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Instruments instruments/amor/amor instruments/loki/loki instruments/external/external .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Techniques techniques/diffraction/diffraction techniques/reflectometry/reflectometry techniques/sans/sans techniques/wfm/wfm .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Utilities utilities/utilities .. toctree:: :caption: Developer documentation :maxdepth: 3 developer/style-guide developer/getting-started .. toctree:: :caption: About :maxdepth: 3 about/release-notes