

ess.amor.beamline.make_beamline(sample_rotation=None, beam_size=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.001], sample_size=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.01], detector_spatial_resolution=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.0025], gravity=<scipp.Variable> ()    vector3          [m/s^2]  [(0, -9.80665, 0)], chopper_frequency=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64             [Hz]  [6.66667], chopper_phase=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64            [deg]  [-8], chopper_position=<scipp.Variable> ()    vector3              [m]  [(0, 0, -15)])

Amor beamline components.

  • sample_rotation (Variable.) – Sample rotation (omega) angle. Default is None.

  • beam_size (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.001]) – Size of the beam perpendicular to the scattering surface. Default is 0.001 m.

  • sample_size (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.01]) – Size of the sample in direction of the beam. Default 0.01 m.

  • detector_spatial_resolution (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    float64              [m]  [0.0025]) – Spatial resolution of the detector. Default is 2.5 mm.

  • gravity (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    vector3          [m/s^2]  [(0, -9.80665, 0)]) – Vector representing the direction and magnitude of the Earth’s gravitational field. Default is [0, -g, 0].

  • chopper_frequency (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    float64             [Hz]  [6.66667]) – Rotational frequency of the chopper. Default is 6.6666… Hz.

  • chopper_phase (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    float64            [deg]  [-8]) – Phase offset between chopper pulse and ToF zero. Default is -8. degrees of arc.

  • chopper_position (Variable, default: <scipp.Variable> ()    vector3              [m]  [(0, 0, -15)]) – Position of the chopper. Default is -15 m.


A dict.

Return type
