.. _release-notes: Release Notes ============= v0.4.0 (February 2022) ---------------------- Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * When doing ``import ess``, all the submodules (``amor``, ``reflectometry``, and ``wfm``) are no longer directly available as ``ess.amor``. Instead, we now rely on simply doing ``from ess import amor`` or ``import ess.sans as sans`` `#102 `_. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simon Heybrock :sup:`a`\ , Neil Vaytet :sup:`a`\ , and Jan-Lukas Wynen :sup:`a` v0.3.0 (February 2022) ---------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ * Implemented a logging framework for reflectometry and Amor `#93 `_. * Added the ``sans.to_I_of_Q`` workflow to reduce SANS2D data, as well as notebooks that describe the workflow and illustrate its usage `#60 `_. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Simon Heybrock :sup:`a`\ , Wojciech Potrzebowski :sup:`a`\ , Neil Vaytet :sup:`a`\ , and Jan-Lukas Wynen :sup:`a` v0.2.0 (January 2022) --------------------- Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A major rewrite of the reflectometry code was undertaken `#61 `_: * The reflectometry and Amor Data classes were removed in favour of a formalism consisting of free-functions that accept Scipp DataArrays and Datasets. * Moved the chopper class from the `wfm` submodule to free functions in its own ``choppers`` module. * The unit conversion (computing wavelength and Q) now use ``transform_coords``. * The Amor reduction notebook from ``ess-notebooks`` has been imported into the ``ess`` repository. Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owen Arnold :sup:`b, c`\ , Simon Heybrock :sup:`a`\ , Andrew McCluskey :sup:`a`\ , Samuel Jones :sup:`b`\ , Neil Vaytet :sup:`a`\ , and Jan-Lukas Wynen :sup:`a` v0.1.0 (September 2021) ----------------------- This is the first official release of ``scipp/ess``. The API may change without notice in future releases. Features ~~~~~~~~ * Support for Amor data reduction * Support for WFM data reduction (V20 and ODIN) * Limited support for V20 Bragg-edge imaging Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matthew Andrew :sup:`b, c`\ , Owen Arnold :sup:`b, c`\ , Simon Heybrock :sup:`a`\ , Andrew McCluskey :sup:`a`\ , and Neil Vaytet :sup:`a`\ Contributing Organizations -------------------------- * :sup:`a`\ `European Spallation Source ERIC `_, Sweden * :sup:`b`\ `Science and Technology Facilities Council `_, UK * :sup:`c`\ `Tessella `_, UK