
This is the implementation of the ORSO header information.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Column(quantity, unit='dimensionless', comment=None)

Bases: object

Information on a data column.


quantity (str): The name of the column. unit (str, optional): The unit. Optional, defaults to 'dimensionless'. comments (str, optional): An additional comment on the column (ie. the definition for an uncertainty column). Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Creator(name=None, affiliation=None, time=None, system=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

The information about who and when the reduced data was created, ie. when the reduction was performed and by whom.


name (str, optional): The name of the person that performed the reduction, can also include an email address. Optional, defaults to the machine username. affiliation (str, optional): The affiliation of the person that performed the reduction. Optional, defaults to None. time (str, optional): The time that the reduction was performed, in the format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S". Optional, defaults to the current time. system (str, optional): The machine that the reduction was performed on. Optional, defaults to the machine’s host name.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.DataSource(owner=None, facility=None, experiment_id=None, experiment_date=None, title=None, experiment=None, measurement=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Details of where and who the data came from.


owner (str, optional): The name (and affiliation/email address) of the owner of the data. Optional, defaults to 'None'. facility (str, optional): The name of the facility the data was generated at. Optional, defaults to 'None'. experiment_id (str, optional): An identifier for the experiment (ie. proposal ID). Optional, defaults to 'None'. experiment_date (str, optional): The date or date range that the experiment was conducted on, in the format "%Y-%m-%d". Optional, defaults to 'None'. title (str, optional): A name of the data source. Optional, defaults to 'None'. experiment (orso.Experiment, optional): Information about the experimental setup. Optional, defaults to 'None'. measurement (orso.Measurement, optional): Details of the measurement scheme. Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Experiment(instrument=None, probe=None, sample=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Experimental details.


instrument (str, optional): The name of the instrument. Optional, defaults to 'None'. probe (str, optional): The name of the probing radiation. Optional, defaults to 'None'. sample (orso.Sample, optional): A description of the sample. Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.File(file)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Information for a given file.


creation (str): The date and time of the file creation.


file (str): The file name/path.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Files(data_files, reference_files=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Information on data files and associated reference files.


data_files (list of orso.File): The experimental data files. reference_files (list of orso.File, optional): The reference files. Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Bases: object

The super class for all of the __repr__ items in the orso module

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Measurement(scheme=None, omega=None, wavelength=None, polarisation=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Details of the measurement that is performed.


scheme (str, optional): The measurement scheme (ie. 'energy-dispersive'). Optional, defaults to 'None'. omega (orso.ValueScalar or orso.ValueRange, optional): The incident angle value or range. Optional, defaults to 'None'. wavelength (orso.ValueScalar or orso.ValueRange, optional): The measured wavelength value or range. Optional, defaults to 'None'. polarisation (str, optional): The polarisation present, typically as a '+' or '-' or combination. Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Orso(creator, data_source, reduction, columns)

Bases: object

The class for the Orso header object.


creator (orso.Creator): Information about the creation of the reduction. data_source (orso.DataSource): Details of the data being reduced. reduction (orso.Reduction): Information about the reduction that is performed. columns (list of orso.Column): A list of the different columns persent in the data.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Reduction(script=None, input_files=None, comment=None)

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Details of the reduction processes.


script (str, optional): The file name/path for the reduction script or notebook. Optional, defaults to 'None'. input_files (orso.Files, optional): The input files for the reduction. Optional defaults to 'None'. comments (str, optional): An additional comment on the reduction. Optional, defaults to 'None'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.Sample(name='Sample')

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

Sample information.


name (str, optional): A identifiable description for the sample. Optional, defaults to 'Sample'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.ValueRange(min, max, unit='dimensionless')

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

A range with an upper and lower limit and a unit.


min (float): The minimum value. max (float): The maximum value. unit (str, optional): The unit. Optional, defaults to 'dimensionless'.

class ess.reflectometry.orso.ValueScalar(magnitude, unit='dimensionless')

Bases: ess.reflectometry.orso.Header

A single value with an unit.


magnitude (float): The value. unit (str, optional): The unit. Optional, defaults to 'dimensionless'.

ess.reflectometry.orso.noop(self, *args, **kw)