Tools to help with Amor data reduction.<scipp.Variable> ()    float64           [1/Å]  [0.008000], q_fix=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64           [1/Å]  [0.005000], q_max=<scipp.Variable> ()    float64           [1/Å]  [0.080000], d_q=None)

Obtain a q_grid based on the custom linear-log grid from Jochen Stahn at PSI. The units of the bins are reciprocal angstrom.

  • q_min (scipp._scipp.core.Variable) – The minimum q-value to be present in the data. Optional, defaults to 0.008 Å^{-1}

  • q_fix – The last point in the linear binning and first in the log binning. Optional, defaults to 0.005 Å^{-1}

  • q_max (scipp._scipp.core.Variable) – The maximum q-value to be present in the data. Optional, defaults to 0.08 Å^{-1}

  • q_d (scipp._scipp.core.Variable) – The q-spacing for the linear region, from which the log-spacing is defined. Optional, defaults to 0.05*q_fix Å^{-1}


q_fix: scipp._scipp.core.Variable


The bin edges to be used in q-binning.

Return type
