Contributing to Scipp#


Contributions, bug reports, and ideas are always welcome. The following section outlines the scope of Scipp. If in doubt whether a feature falls within the scope of Scipp please ask on github before implementing functionality, to reduce the risk of rejected pull requests. Asking and discussing first is generally always a good idea, since our road map is not very mature at this point.

Code of conduct#

This project is a community effort, and everyone is welcome to contribute. Everyone within the community is expected to abide by our code of conduct.


While Scipp is in practice developed for neutron-data reduction, the Scipp library itself must be kept generic. We therefore restrict what can go into Scipp as follows:

  • Scipp shall contain only generic functionality. Neutron-scattering specific must not be added. A simple guiding principle is “if it is in NumPy it can go into Scipp”.

Contributing a pull request#

Please make sure you have checked the list below before you start:

  • Before you begin, make sure the GitHub issue is assigned to you, to avoid duplicate work.

  • Read the Getting Started page. Using the recommended pre-commit setup and running tests locally will ensure that the builds will pass for your pull request.

  • Reference the issue when you open a pull request. If the issue would be resolved by merging the pull request then use one of GitHub’s keywords to do so automatically, such as Fixes #12345.

  • If applicable, make sure to add an item in docs/about/release-notes.rst and link to the pull request. Do this in particular for new features, breaking changes, or bugfixes.


Given the low (yet non-zero) chance of an issue in Scipp that affects the security of a larger system, security related issues should be raised via GitHub issues in the same way as “normal” bug reports.